the Requirements on lowering speed limits is, for us, the motorists are just as painful as a blow below the belt. It is, in fact, nothing is harder than to stand up for their right to drive fast. A large number of researchers, and leaders of advocacy groups, recently wrote in the DN Debate as to the speed of cars should be reduced significantly in the urban areas. From the 50’s to the 20 miles per hour. In this way, you will save both lives and the environment.

They are, of course, absolutely right, and that’s what makes their contribution to such a foul blow below the belt. Impossible to defend against.

the Arguments to lower the rates, the many and the strong. The security is higher, the environmental impact is less, and the flow of the traffic, the better. They are the rational arguments to lower the speed limit, the less and less. ”If you don’t have to drive any faster than 20 or 30 km / h inside towns and cities, you can just as easily walk or ride a bike”, someone might venture to whisper from one corner of the screen.

of course, but to enhance the speed of 50 km per hour provides a time savings that’s not going to take in relation to the increased risk. If you are able to run a mile at a steady speed of 50 km per hour instead of 30 and you will arrive eight minutes earlier. It all sounds great, but it is almost impossible to do in the urban areas, where speed limits are proposed to be lowered. When did you last drive of 50 km, in the middle of town?

the Requirement for a 20 limit in urban areas is perfectly acceptable, but also necessary and uddlöst. The speed in urban areas is already reduced into practice. Not by means of reduced speed limits and new signs, but by the crowds and the queues.
