

It goes against what is said in the januariavtalet

Anders W Jonsson's article on local government grants, it is proposed that a large part of the skolbidragen to be transferred to...

The high government executives are being prosecuted in the muthärva

Three of the accused had been employed on the work. the head of the agency is being prosecuted ”for a...

The S amendment to the budget for 2013 was not in breach of the...

”the constitutional all-time low in Sweden's modern history,” as Olof Petersson translated from the German social democratic initiative to amend the government's...

The DN of the Debate. We have a riksrättsprocess, as it is in the...

the Charges against the president of the united states, is that he has delayed the disbursement of military assistance to Ukraine, in...

Why do the traffic is to reduce the pollution free and quiet?

Seven researchers and consultants suggests that Sweden should introduce a tax based on distance driven for private cars, in order to meet...

A digital letter of the best in the northern part of

After Jensen is living on the far north of Sweden. He currently resides in the northern-most house in the northern part of...

Volvo elektrifierar of its biggest sport utility vehicle

today, The constructed model of the S60 in Charleston, and the production of the new XC90 will begin at the end of...

The DN of the Debate. Faced with a new road tax based on mileage...

in Sweden, the need to change the trafikbeskattningen. It is necessary, in order to cope with the effects of electrification, and the...

Our purpose is not to bring honor and glory to the journalists

Ann-Marie Åsheden objects with our op-ed, that we are being far too kind to the media and have given up all hope...

Scientists are also people, some of them are even women

this Research provides a top-level commitment, and competition is fierce. As it is, and that is how it should be. The article,...


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