this Research provides a top-level commitment, and competition is fierce. As it is, and that is how it should be. The article, which is based on a claim that Sweden is steadily losing its status as a research nation, pointing to, among other things, the importance of the spetssatsningar. Probably, it is the nature of the bet at the highest level. But you can’t ignore is the fact that scientists are people, too – some of them are even women – and that the universities are places of work.

from the Perspective that is lacking in the vision that is being put forward is the diversity in general and gender in particular. Let us for a moment consider the idea that diversity enriches, in particular, in an area so influenced by the creative thinking, that is, research that academics are not a golden goose, but it is in a context in which several scientists with different points of departure, are permitted to operate, from time to time, värpas a golden egg.

No, the assessment is, who it is to be spent on are made on the basis of past track record, and confidence in the research plan. The analysts (and the people, with all the consequences of the explicit and implicit biaser), you have to determine what is the utvecklingskurva, which indicates the highest potential and the research that is most innovative, up-and-coming.

There are a lot of indications, on how women, in particular, the disadvantage of such a system. It’s not just the fact that child-bearing, which will remain a female occupation) the brakes of the career development of young women scientists at a critical juncture, as the most senior will be appointed and they, it appears, also, for example, that the recommendation to use the more positive, the fear of actual women, to men themselves, to a greater degree than women, their research may, in exceptional terms, and that women are under-represented in the field, who are talangdrivna and briljanskrävande.

One of the academics is not a golden goose. In an environment in which several scientists with different perspectives are allowed to act, there may from time to time, värpas a golden egg.

Excellence is, no matter how much we may wish it to be so, is not an objective measure and not a measure that can be expected to remain unchanged over a period of time. Also, who is the second-most-excellent“, according to which measure is used, one can conduct excellent research, and in particular if he or she is given the set of economic conditions that förunnas the colour of which is most excellent, and, in particular, of a strong and open environment for research with a variety of methodologies and perspectives are allowed to emerge.

creating a system that would allow for a uniformity and lack of diversity and gender equality, and thus to the disadvantage of the research in general.

the Successful research requires time, money, and infrastructure. The fragmentation of scientists ‚ time, with a large part of the teaching, administrative work and general administration of all the scientists in all the institutions of higher learning, is a path towards the deterioration of the quality in research.

A clear allocation of roles and responsibilities between staff, and between the higher education institutions would be of benefit to both the researchers ‚working environment, in the students‘ education, and the advancement of science. However, in order to provide diversity and equality, it needs the vision to get beyond the image of the individual, centres of excellence, the researchers that is the way forward.
