
Since the beginning of March, Marlene* has not been to Pratersauna. She hasn’t visited other techno clubs either. „When I go out to party, I think about who might be there beforehand,“ says the student.

She usually goes out with her closest friends. On that night in March, the young woman was partying with many acquaintances. One of them was the 29-year-old DJ whom Marlene has known for two years. That evening, the man was pale and trembling, she says. „He really wanted me to help him take something because he was feeling bad. Eventually, I gave in and went to the bathroom with him.“

She didn’t want to take drugs herself. He locked the door, she turned her back to him and sorted the powder. „He then pushed me from behind. He touched me everywhere, pulled down my tights and skirt,“ Marlene describes.

She seems composed, her voice doesn’t tremble. It’s clear that the 24-year-old has told this story before. She resisted and said no, but he didn’t stop. „He then penetrated me with his finger,“ she says.

Marlene doesn’t remember how she managed to escape from the bathroom. „I just tried to fight my way out.“ She didn’t want to talk to her friends about it that same night. She only confided in her best friend. „I realized that it wasn’t my fault. I only went along because I wanted to help him.“

Three weeks later, the 24-year-old reported her acquaintance for rape. If she hadn’t taken this step, there might never have been a trial. The Falter first reported on the case. The 29-year-old will now have to answer at the Vienna Regional Court for Criminal Matters on October 17. Not just for rape, but also for sexual coercion and abuse in several cases. Marlene had previously contacted several women who claimed to have had similar experiences with the DJ.

One of the women claimed that the defendant had put his hand under her shirt and fondled her breast, another said he tried to kiss her without consent. Several victims also reported situations where they woke up in bed and couldn’t remember having had sex with him – some had consumed drugs before and told the police that the assaults had occurred without consent and while they were asleep.

„There are many people describing intrusive behavior that is not legally relevant, such as unwanted kissing or dancing. However, the abundance of stories and the very similar descriptions of behavioral patterns lead to a certain plausibility,“ says victim’s lawyer Philipp Springer.

In July, the prosecution imposed pre-trial detention on the DJ. His lawyer, Sascha Flatz, stated that his client pleads not guilty. The young man is „shaken by the accusation.“ Marlene is not afraid to see her former acquaintance in court. On the contrary, she looks forward to telling him to his face what he did to her. „I wanted to have a way and a goal in front of me again. It was my will to bring to light what happened and also stand up for the girls who didn’t report because they were too scared,“ says the 24-year-old.

*Name changed