
### Severe Weather Alert: Storms, Bomb Threat in KL, Wine Queen – Latest Updates

What happened in Rhineland-Palatinate last night? What does the day hold? Stay up to date with our RLP News ticker!

### Goodbye and Have a Great Weekend!
Thank you for participating in the guessing game – here’s the answer for everyone: There are actually more than 3,000 different types of bread in Germany. With so much variety, I don’t even know what to have for breakfast now that the ticker is over… And with that somewhat graceful transition, I’m signing off for today and for this week. Well, actually, I am. And I wish you all a wonderful weekend. Make the best of the not-so-great weather outlook. On Monday, my colleague Andrea Lischtschuk will take over. We will keep you updated here on and on our social media channels over the weekend.

### A Look at Germany and the World
– The Kreislaufwirtschafts- und Abfallgesetz (Recycling Management and Waste Law) comes into effect nationwide.
– The „Allgemeiner Deutscher Fahrrad-Club“ (General German Bicycle Club) is founded in Bremen.
– The Warren Commission presents its final report on the assassination of US President John F. Kennedy.
– The Ottoman Empire begins the first siege of Vienna under Sultan Süleyman the Magnificent.

### Higher Penalties – More Protection for Local Politicians?
Hate, harassment, and even physical attacks – people involved in local politics are increasingly being threatened. The Bundesrat (Federal Council) is discussing a government bill today that proposes higher penalties for such cases. Offenders could face up to ten years in prison. My colleague Sandra Biegger spoke with those affected in Rhineland-Palatinate – here is their alarming story.

### Snowplow European Championship in Mendig – Without Snow
Yesterday, I told you about the European Championship of snowplow drivers. All this without snow – and unfortunately, no winners from Rhineland-Palatinate. Our social media colleagues now have pictures – check it out.

### Join the Discussion with SWR!
Here’s a little self-promotion: If you’ve ever wanted to share or ask us something, now’s your chance. SWR Rheinland-Pfalz invites you to a discussion event on Monday, October 28, from 5 pm to 8 pm at the Alten Postlager in Mainz. The theme: Tell us! – What are your topics and how should we report on them? The registration deadline is October 9. You can find the registration form here.

### ARD News Day
How we make news at SWR Aktuell Online

Thursday was ARD News Day. In all ARD stations, there were opportunities to take a behind-the-scenes look. Here we explain everything about our work at SWR Aktuell Online.

### Trial for Fatal Accident under Influence of Alcohol
A driver must face trial at the Amtsgericht (District Court) Bad Kreuznach for involuntary manslaughter. The 47-year-old is accused of causing a fatal accident while intoxicated. According to the charge, the man was driving his SUV on the federal road between Frei-Laubersheim and Hackenheim in the fall of 2022. He overtook a tractor and failed to see an oncoming small car, resulting in a head-on collision. The 60-year-old female driver of the small car succumbed to her injuries in the hospital. A blood test revealed a blood alcohol level of more than 1.6 per mille for the driver after the accident.

### The View on Germany and the World
– The debated Retirement Package II comes for the first reading in the Bundestag.
– Sentencing for climate activists who threw tomato soup at a Van Gogh painting in London.
– Appeal trial against Jens Lehmann for a chainsaw incident at Starnberger See in Munich.
– The „Schwarze Einser“ (Black One) stamp is auctioned in Wiesbaden, Germany.

### Low Wine Prices – Winemakers in RLP Fear for Income
Wineries in Rhineland-Palatinate are currently in the midst of the grape harvest and facing a crisis. Despite the ongoing harvest, it is foreseeable that many wineries will operate at a loss this year, according to industry experts. The reason is that wine prices are so low in some cases that winemakers cannot cover their costs. Our colleagues have gathered voices from the Rhineland-Palatinate vineyards.

### New Episode „360 Degrees“: The Palatinate and Its Wine Queen
Just launched but already fantastic (at least we think so 😉): Two weeks ago, our magazine „360 Degrees“ made its debut. After exploring Apache and the Garden City in Ludwigshafen in the pilot episode, we are now in full regalia! We were in the Palatinate and asked: Why is the tradition of the wine queen so important here? You surely remember the heated debates about whether the title needs a new, contemporary name – or not. Recommendation: Check out the new episode, it’s worth it!

### Seniors in Assisted Living Facility Complain about Deficiencies
About 20 elderly people live in an assisted living facility in Hillesheim in the Vulkaneifel region. Initially, everything seemed fine at St. Josefs-Haus, with a nursing service on-site, warm meals served in the dining hall, and events and celebrations. However, since an investor took over the facility four years ago, things have gone downhill. Residents report broken washing machines, a faulty heating system, lack of cleaning services, and neglect of care. The owner seems to have disappeared, not responding to contact attempts. My colleague Christian Altmayer has the full story.

### Disruption in West Palatinate Railway Services
There are significant problems in the West Palatinate today due to last-minute sick reports from employees. According to the railway company, the S1 between Homburg and Kaiserslautern is affected, with some connections canceled, as well as between Kusel and Kaiserslautern and Lautern and Lauterecken. The service will be completely suspended in the afternoon for two hours. Replacement buses are available, but it’s advisable to check connections online before traveling.

### „Day of the Buttered Bread“ – How Many Bread Varieties Are There?
I promised you some news about the „buttered bread“: Slice, butt slice, butter slice, even the reformer Martin Luther knew about the spread bread. However, he called it „Putterpomme“ – a term not commonly associated today. Why am I telling you this? Today is the „Day of the Buttered Bread“. It is celebrated every year on the last Friday of September. The Central Marketing Association of the German Agricultural Industry (CMA), now dissolved, established this day 25 years ago. Even after the end of the CMA, the tradition continues. There is hardly a German household where the spread bread isn’t present.

### Schweitzer Responds to Ultimatum from Flood Victims‘ Relatives
After relatives of the flood victims in the Ahr Valley issued an ultimatum to the new Minister-President to advocate for a „legal process“ and a new trial, Alexander Schweitzer (SPD) has stated that he rejects political influence on the judiciary. He understands the wishes of the relatives, but the criminal proceedings related to the Ahr Valley flood are not yet concluded. The complete statements of the Minister-President have been summarized here.

### Traffic Situation in the Country
Heading to work soon? If you’re driving, check here for any traffic congestion.

### New German Wine Queen to be Crowned Tonight
The 76th German Wine Queen will be elected tonight in Neustadt an der Weinstraße. And the new majesty will definitely be from Rhineland-Palatinate – all five finalists come from local wine regions. All the details of the event are summarized here.

### Late Shift for Bomb Disposal Unit in Kaiserslautern
In Kaiserslautern, there was quite a commotion last night: During construction work on the Pfaff site, a 250-kilogram bomb from World War II was discovered. Residents within a 300-meter radius of the unexploded ordnance had to evacuate late at night. The security radius was cleared from 8:30 pm. According to the city of Kaiserslautern, around 200 people had to wait for hours at friends‘ homes, relatives, or in the designated care center. The bomb disposal proved to be challenging, with details undisclosed. The bomb was finally defused around 2 am, allowing people to return home.

### Today’s Key Events in the Country
– A trial for attempted murder begins in Kaiserslautern.
– Interior Minister Michael Ebling (SPD) visits Schum-Stätten in Speyer and Worms.
– The new German Wine Queen will be crowned in Neustadt an der Weinstraße.

### Weather Update: Rainy and Windy Weather Continues
The transition from late summer to autumn was quite abrupt. Indian summer weather is also not on the horizon. Yesterday afternoon saw heavy showers. Several streets in Mainz city center were flooded. Even an underpass at the main train station was submerged, according to the police. The fire department had to respond to numerous fallen trees in Trier and Birkenfeld. Today is expected to continue with autumnal and changeable weather, or as SWR weather expert Claudia Kleinert says: „The showers will persist.“ For more details from yesterday evening for the upcoming days.