
Marjane Satrapi, a renowned artist and filmmaker, shared her thoughts and experiences about living in Paris and her views on freedom, multiculturalism, and politics in a recent interview. She expressed her deep love for Paris, a city that symbolizes true freedom for her. Satrapi highlighted the international essence of Paris and its ability to embrace multiculturalism without demanding individuals to give up their identities.

Discussing politics, Satrapi criticized the rise of right-wing extremism in France and emphasized the importance of social cohesion and understanding among different social classes. She expressed her strong disapproval of voting for right-wing parties, labeling their supporters as ignorant and promoting hatred and racism.

Satrapi’s works often explore themes of death and the human condition. She explained that death is a universal concept that should deter people from engaging in conflicts and wars. She shared her personal fears and anxieties about losing loved ones, reflecting on the fragility of life and the inevitability of death.

The Iranian identity of Satrapi is subtly present in her works, with references to her Persian heritage. She clarified that while her upbringing in Iran influences her art, she does not feel obligated to focus solely on Iranian subjects. Satrapi emphasized the importance of authenticity and personal connection to the topics she explores in her work.

Regarding her involvement in the feminist movement „Woman, Life, Freedom,“ Satrapi expressed admiration for the courage and determination of young women advocating for gender equality and secularism. She highlighted the need for true gender equality to achieve a democratic and free society, referencing the challenges faced by women globally.

Satrapi shared her hopes for the future of Iran, expressing confidence in the resilience and determination of its people to strive for democracy and freedom. She stressed the importance of cultural evolution over revolution in fostering democratic values and individual rights.

In conclusion, Marjane Satrapi’s insights shed light on her personal experiences, artistic inspirations, and social activism. Her unique perspective as an Iranian-born artist living in Paris offers a nuanced understanding of cultural identity, freedom, and the ongoing struggle for human rights and equality.