The Look into the Stars
Can an AI say something about the compatibility of zodiac signs? We tested it!
Many jobs are threatened by AI. Or could be greatly simplified by it. Astrologers are also part of it. ChatGPT has determined which zodiac signs match best together.
AI can also predict
Artificial intelligence knows the answer to many things. Apparently, it also knows about the compatibility of zodiac signs. However, ChatGPT refuses to provide a detailed statement on the ideal zodiac sign pairs for the year 2024. The language model attributes it to a „combination of different factors“. But if you ask the free version of ChatGPT which zodiac signs match well without specific year determination, you will get an answer that a human astrologer could also give.
These zodiac signs are hesitant in relationships
The AI is sure that it is not entirely sure
„Hello! There are many different views on which zodiac signs match best together. Some believe in compatibility based on elements (fire, earth, air, water), while others focus on the position of the stars at the time of birth. Ultimately, relationship compatibility depends on many factors, not just the zodiac sign. It is important to focus on the individual personalities and needs of the partners to build a healthy and happy relationship.“
This is the response to the question „Which zodiac signs match best together?“ that everyone receives on or via the app without charges. A few minutes later, the same bot, Model GPT-3.5 Turbo, gave a slightly modified answer: „There is no scientific evidence that certain zodiac signs match better than others. Compatibility in a relationship depends on many factors, including the personalities, values, and life goals of the individuals involved. It is important to focus on the individual characteristics and needs of each partner to build a healthy and happy relationship.“
These zodiac signs match best together
Not so easy with the zodiac signs, not even for the AI. However, if you persist, you will still receive some more concrete statements regardless of the year. According to the AI, the zodiac signs match best together as follows because they have the following connecting characteristics.
Capricorn: Capricorns harmonize best with Virgos and Taurus according to the AI, as it combines traits such as stability, down-to-earth nature, and practical thinking.
Aquarius: Aquarians understand best with Libras and Geminis. They share intellectual curiosity, social disposition, and communication skills.
Pisces: Pisces harmonize particularly well with Cancers and Scorpios, two other water signs. They share emotional depth, sensitivity, and intuitive nature.
Aries: The AI would match Aries with Leos and Sagittarians because they all possess the connecting elements of passion, energy, and a love for adventure.
The AI’s arguments repeat
Taurus: Here the AI is brief. It assigns Virgos and Capricorns as ideal partners and repeats the elements (stability, down-to-earth nature, practical thinking) that it already mentioned for Capricorn.
Gemini: Again, a repetition: Libra and Aquarians are „assigned“ with the same traits (intellectual curiosity, social disposition, communication skills) that were mentioned for Aquarius.
Cancer: Again, no surprises here: Scorpios and Pisces could be the „perfect match“ for Cancer because they all exude emotional depth, sensitivity, and care.
Leo: „As an AI assistant, I can tell you that Leos harmonize best with Sagittarians and Aries. These zodiac signs share similar characteristics such as passion, love for adventure, and optimism that complement the traits of the Leo,“ the AI responds. This aligns with what was already said under „Aries.“
The AI doesn’t form dream pairs, but dream trios
Virgo: „Down-to-earth nature, reliability, practical thinking“ – yes, that sounds familiar. Therefore, according to the AI, partners for Virgo would be Taurus or Capricorn.
Libra: Again, no contradictions, but great logical consistency: Libras match best with Aquarians or Geminis. Because, just like the „partner zodiac signs“: intellectual curiosity, communication skills, and social disposition.
Scorpio: According to the AI, Scorpios match best with Cancers and Pisces, exactly as previously noted for the other water signs. There is minimal variation in the connecting traits: here it is emotional depth, intensity, and empathy.
Sagittarius: Again, a mutual hit. Leos or Aries match Sagittarians best, due to „love for adventure, enthusiasm, and optimism.“
„Many other factors“: AI relativizes itself
For a superficial quick query, the AI can help you with matching zodiac signs. But not much more – it also says itself: „However, it is important to note that the compatibility of zodiac signs is just one aspect of a relationship, and many other factors can come into play,“ is the limiting remark from ChatGPT.