
The Fantastic Light Christmas Market in Dortmund is no more. Due to disagreements within the event team, the market is looking for a new location. The pre-Christmas season in Dortmund, Germany will look different in 2024. The popular Fantastic Light Christmas Market in Fredenbaumpark will not be taking place. The reason for this is disagreements within the event team. Founder Gisbert Hiller has announced that the event will be moving to a different city. However, visitors in Dortmund need not be sad. A new event will be taking place in Fredenbaumpark, as reported by

It’s always sad to see a beloved tradition come to an end, especially one as festive as the Fantastic Light Christmas Market. The market has been a staple in Dortmund’s holiday celebrations, bringing joy and cheer to visitors for many years. However, change is inevitable, and it seems that the disagreements within the event team have led to this decision.

While it may be disappointing for those who were looking forward to the market this year, the prospect of a new event in Fredenbaumpark is exciting. Change can bring new opportunities and experiences, and the new event may offer something different and unique for visitors to enjoy. It’s a chance to create new memories and traditions in Dortmund’s pre-Christmas season.

As Dortmund prepares for a holiday season without the Fantastic Light Christmas Market, it’s a reminder that traditions may come and go, but the spirit of the season remains. The holiday season is a time for joy, togetherness, and celebration, and there are still many ways to embrace the festive spirit in the city. Whether it’s attending other Christmas markets, enjoying holiday lights and decorations, or participating in seasonal activities, there are plenty of opportunities to make the most of the season in Dortmund.

While it may be the end of an era for the Fantastic Light Christmas Market, it’s also the beginning of a new chapter for holiday celebrations in Dortmund. Change can bring growth and innovation, and the city has the opportunity to create new traditions and experiences for residents and visitors alike. The spirit of the season lives on, and there are still many reasons to look forward to the holiday season in Dortmund, even without the beloved market in Fredenbaumpark.