
A curious driver in Frankfurt caught the attention of the Autobahn police when he attempted to open a mobile speed camera on the A3 highway towards Wiesbaden. The police discovered the opened speed camera with a wheel key stuck in the maintenance hatch. But that wasn’t all they found. Along with the camera, they found a mobile phone, a wristwatch, and a set of keys. Eventually, the owner of these items, a 33-year-old man, came forward from a field next to the highway and admitted to his curiosity-driven act. He simply wanted to know what was inside the speed camera but ended up with more than he bargained for – an official charge.

For those curious about what’s inside a speed camera, let’s take a closer look. The Vitronic Enforcement Trailer is a speed camera mounted on a trailer, making it easily transportable to any location, quickly deployable, and able to autonomously measure speeds over multiple days. It is equipped with remote-controlled drive and is specially protected against vandalism. This allows for automatic speed control even in areas where traditional infrastructure or safety concerns for personnel would have made it difficult.

The Enforcement Trailer can operate autonomously for up to ten days, conducting up to 1,000 speed measurements per day. Its onboard energy supply allows for continuous operation without the need for personnel. Additionally, the batteries can be easily replaced on-site without interrupting the measurement process. The trailer can be towed by almost any vehicle with a trailer hitch, and the integrated axle drive assists with maneuvering and alignment. Data collected can also be transmitted wirelessly for analysis.

To prevent vandalism and ensure safety, the Enforcement Trailer is designed to withstand aggressive behavior from individuals. Once in place, the trailer can be fully lowered, hiding the wheels behind covers and preventing easy movement. The smooth surface prevents the attachment of ropes or straps for removal, and the structure is bulletproof and sealed against water. An alarm system is also included, along with an optional fire protection system.

Equipped with state-of-the-art measurement technology, the Enforcement Trailer utilizes LIDAR technology to capture the speed of multiple vehicles across lanes simultaneously. It can monitor variable speed limits and restrictions based on time, lane, and vehicle class. The trailer weighs 1,120 kilograms and measures 3.15 meters in length, 1.52 meters in width, and 1.84 meters in height, which reduces to 1.62 meters when lowered. With an operating range from minus 25 to plus 60 degrees Celsius, the Enforcement Trailer is suitable for year-round use. The price for one of these trailers is approximately 150,000 euros.

So, for those speeding on the highway, not everything that looks like a piece of art on the roadside is actually one. If you see a flash, it’s likely a moment captured by an Enforcement Trailer, not an artistic masterpiece.