
Jay Khan, a German Boyband legend, has recently embarked on a solo career. During the ARD show „Schlagerbooom“ with Florian Silbereisen, he introduced his song „Mein Stern“ last weekend, with a solo album of German-language songs to follow soon. This comes just three years after the former US5 singer founded his Schlager Boyband Team 5ünf and performed with them on Silbereisen’s show.

When asked if he was done with Boybands, Jay Khan responded, „My solo project is currently my top priority. We are taking a creative break with Team 5ünf. However, the band remains my baby and passion project that I will not let die.“ Last year, band leader Khan kicked out his colleague Marc Terenzi due to unprofessionalism and brought in former DSDS singer Prince Damien.

According to Khan, it was the right decision as Prince Damien is a true professional who is also pursuing his solo project. Artistic freedom is highly valued among the band members. From 2005 to 2009, Jay Khan was the lead singer of the internationally successful Boyband US5, selling over twelve million records.

His new song, dedicated to his late grandmother Drusilla, received a great response on the Silbereisen show. Khan shared that his grandmother passed away in 2007 but remains forever in his heart, passing on her love for music to him. At the premiere of his song, Khan was accompanied by his girlfriend Jessie Noe Scheuermann, whom he has been with for nearly seven years.

While Jessie supports him, there are talks of marriage and starting a family. Khan mentioned that they plan to get married soon as Jessie is traditional in a good way and would like to have a church wedding and children. They have recently moved into a bigger apartment with a room already prepared for future children.

Although he hasn’t popped the question yet, Jay Khan assures that a proposal will happen very soon. With his solo career taking off and personal life blossoming, it seems like Jay Khan is entering a new chapter in his life with Jessie by his side.