
Britta Hermann, a Green Party member of the Hamburg Parliament, discusses the importance of high-quality childcare in Harburg in our column „People. Facts. Opinions.“ The recent strikes by cleaning staff at Elbkinder daycares have highlighted the significance of reliable and high-quality childcare for our community. In Harburg, where there are a particularly high number of children compared to other parts of Hamburg, the impact of these labor disputes is deeply felt.

Families in Harburg face various challenges, including economic uncertainties and social issues. Reliable daycare services provide children with a safe place to play and learn, allowing parents to work and contribute to the family income. In a neighborhood grappling with poverty and social tensions, the importance of a stable and supportive environment for young children cannot be overstated.

The ongoing strikes by cleaning staff at Elbkinder daycares for higher wages underscore the need for better working conditions. While parents and colleagues in the daycares show solidarity with the striking workers, the situation places a significant burden on parents, daycares, colleagues, and the strikers themselves.

It is essential to recognize that nutritious meals and clean spaces are vital components of a positive learning and development environment. Without this foundation, high-quality educational work is challenging to achieve. The role of cleaning staff in Elbkinder daycares is crucial and should not be underestimated.

The ongoing inflation and rising tariff costs pose significant financial challenges for many daycares, including Elbkinder. In such difficult times, all stakeholders – the striking employees, unions, and daycare providers – must come together to find constructive solutions through open and fair negotiations. It is essential for all parties to return to the negotiating table and reach binding agreements promptly.

Furthermore, daycares in Harburg and across Hamburg must be adequately equipped to fulfill their educational mandate, including fair wages and recognition for the valuable work of cleaning staff. In the upcoming budget deliberations in the Hamburg Parliament, we will continue to advocate for the necessary resources for daycares to ensure that all children, regardless of their background, have equal opportunities. We are also pushing for the inclusion of cleaning staff in collective bargaining agreements. Such structural changes require patience and persistence, as they involve the agreement of many stakeholders. We are committed to promoting high-quality standards in daycares at all levels.

Together, we can create a stable, supportive, and high-quality environment for our children. I thank all those involved for their efforts and patience during this challenging time. Let us work together to ensure that our daycares remain places of safety and education that our children deserve. This is and will remain the best investment in the future!