
Attack on Shipping Vessel Claimed by Houthi Militia in Red Sea

The Houthi militia has fired two rockets at a freighter in the Red Sea, with one of them hitting its target. In the Gulf of Aden, a second ship was hit by a missile.

The cargo ship in the Red Sea was struck by a rocket, causing a fire that the crew managed to extinguish. Another rocket missed the ship, and small boats in the vicinity also fired at the ship, but no one on board was harmed. The British Royal Navy’s Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO) also confirmed the attack without providing further details.

A military spokesperson for the Houthi group based in Yemen claimed responsibility for the attack in a video message, stating that they targeted the ship with rockets and drones. The spokesperson mentioned the ship „Norderney“ as the target, with tracking data showing the ship still in the Gulf of Aden on Sunday afternoon.

Additionally, the spokesperson mentioned other unreported attacks on a warship and another vessel in the Arabian Sea, although no evidence was provided. According to UKMTO, a similar incident occurred on Saturday evening where a missile hit the rear area of a ship, causing a fire but no injuries.

The Houthi militia, backed by Iran, has been targeting ships in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden since November. While claiming to support Hamas in its conflict with Israel, the attacks have also hit ships unrelated to the conflict. The US reports over 50 attacks by the Houthi group, resulting in casualties and ship damages. In response, a coalition led by the US has conducted airstrikes on Houthi positions in Yemen.

The EU maritime mission, Aspides, aims to defend commercial ships against missile attacks, but does not include land-based Houthi targets.


Name: Houthi Militia
Origin: Yemen
Activities: Military operations, missile attacks on ships
Affiliations: Iran
Goals: Political control, regional influence