
Lukas Lauerer Wins at Apple

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Lukas Lauerer, a 17-year-old student from Polling and attending Weilheimer Gymnasium, has won the prestigious Apple Swift Student Challenge for the second year in a row. The challenge calls on students from around the world to create innovative apps as part of the annual Developers Conference (WWDC24) to discover and promote young talent in design and programming.

Last year, Lauerer became one of the 50 designers to participate in WWDC with his app „Goal Kit.“ „It was a lot of fun,“ Lauerer said. „You get to meet a lot of people and can exchange ideas with programmers. Not only with students, but also with people working for Apple.“

This year, the young app designer once again made it to the winner’s circle. He was recognized as one of the 350 winners with his new app called „Memo Kit.“ „The app is designed to help people remember memories or important life events more easily,“ explained Lauerer. For him, songs are an important aid to recall emotions and memorable times. „I used that to build the app,“ he proudly explained. Users can now download this app as well.

Interestingly, Lauerer taught himself how to code. He advises young people interested in programming to simply give it a try. He believes that it mostly involves understanding logic. „You have to learn the new computer language first, and YouTube videos can help build on what you have learned,“ said Lauerer, who is already looking forward to next year’s challenge.

As for whether he wants to become a professional programmer, Lauerer is unsure. „I’m not sure if I want to sit at the computer all the time,“ the young talent grinned.

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