
Europawahl 2024 im Taunus: A Comprehensive Overview of the Results

The Europawahl 2024 is set to take place in the Taunus region, with voters urged to cast their ballots in this important election. On June 9th, a new European Parliament will be elected, with a total of 4.85 million people in Hessen being called to exercise their voting rights. This includes approximately 100,000 individuals aged 16 and 17 for the first time. A total of 34 parties and voter groups are vying for seats, with their campaign ads being prominently displayed in the Taunus region.

Results of Europawahl 2024 in the Taunus Region

Looking back at the results of the previous European election five years ago, the breakdown in the Taunus region was as follows:

– CDU: 30.3% in Hochtaunus, 30.0% in Main-Taunus, 29.5% in Rheingau-Taunus
– SPD: 13.4% in Hochtaunus, 14.4% in Main-Taunus, 17.1% in Rheingau-Taunus
– Greens: 25.6% in Hochtaunus, 24.9% in Main-Taunus, 23.1% in Rheingau-Taunus
– AfD: 8.6% in Hochtaunus, 9.0% in Main-Taunus, 9.8% in Rheingau-Taunus
– The Left: 3.0% in Hochtaunus, 3.2% in Main-Taunus, 3.3% in Rheingau-Taunus
– FDP: 9.3% in Hochtaunus, 8.0% in Main-Taunus, 7.0% in Rheingau-Taunus

Anticipated Results and Comparison to Polls

As the Europawahl 2024 unfolds in the Taunus region, there are still uncertainties regarding the expected outcomes. Recent nationwide polls have shown the Union leading the race, with CDU and CSU projected to secure 29% of the votes. The SPD follows at 15%, with the Greens and AfD both at 14%. The newly formed alliance Sahra Wagenknecht is expected to garner 6%, while the FDP and The Left are at 4% and 3% respectively. Compared to earlier polls, the changes are minimal.

In contrast to the previous European election in 2019, the Greens have experienced a decline in support, dropping from 20.5% to the current 14%. The AfD, on the other hand, has seen a slight increase of 3 points. The actual results of the Europawahl 2024 in the Taunus region will be revealed on June 9th starting from 6 pm.

By covering the latest updates and statistics of the Europawahl 2024 in the Taunus region, this article aims to provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of the election results. Stay tuned for more information on this significant event.