
Italy to File Lawsuit Against Austria by End of July Over Transit Dispute

In a recent development regarding the ongoing transit dispute on the Brenner route, Italy has announced its plans to file a lawsuit against Austria at the European Court of Justice (EuGH) by the end of July. Matteo Salvini, the Italian Minister of Transport and Deputy Prime Minister from Lega, made this statement in response to an inquiry from APA in Rome on Wednesday.

„We want to take this step as early as possible because it concerns the principle of free movement of people and goods within the EU,“ Salvini emphasized.

The transit issue has been a point of contention between Italy and Austria, with tensions rising over the anti-transit measures implemented by the Tyrol region. Italy’s decision to pursue legal action underscores the seriousness of the situation and the importance of upholding EU regulations on the freedom of movement.

As the deadline for the lawsuit approaches, both countries are expected to engage in diplomatic discussions to address the transit concerns and find a resolution that aligns with EU laws and regulations.

**Keywords: Italy, Austria, transit dispute, Brenner route, European Court of Justice**

In conclusion, the impending lawsuit by Italy against Austria over the transit dispute highlights the complexities of cross-border transportation issues within the EU. The outcome of this legal action could have significant implications for future transit policies and the enforcement of EU regulations on the freedom of movement.

Remember to stay informed on the latest developments in this story as it continues to unfold.