
Europawahl im Kreis Heinsberg: CDU triumphiert, AfD erstmals zweistellig

In the recent European elections in Kreis Heinsberg, the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) emerged victorious with a significant lead at 38.8%. Surprisingly, the Alternative for Germany (AfD) surpassed the three traditional parties, especially the Greens who faced a setback.

The CDU secured a clear win in the European elections in Kreis Heinsberg, with 38.8% of the voters supporting the party. The AfD emerged as the second strongest force with 14.5%, marking the first time they achieved a double-digit result in Kreis Heinsberg. Following closely behind were the Social Democratic Party (SPD), Greens, and Free Democratic Party (FDP) who all suffered losses. The Left party even garnered less support than „Die Partei“ (1.8%), while the new alliance led by Sahra Wagenknecht secured the sixth position with 4.2% of the votes.

The new CDU district chairwoman, Anna Stelten, hailed the results as a „great success“ for the party, praising Sabine Verheyen as a strong representative for the region in Brussels. Stelten expressed concerns about the AfD’s performance nationwide, particularly in light of the scandals involving their top politicians and serious espionage and corruption allegations. She emphasized the need for a critical discussion on how to address the growing support for the AfD.

Bundestag member of the CDU, Wilfried Oellers, described the outcome as a „clear and unequivocal victory“ that confirmed the party’s poll ratings from the past two years. He underscored the failure of the ruling coalition in Berlin, signaling the need for a policy reassessment or recognition of its shortcomings. Oellers expressed disappointment with the AfD’s results and urged all other parties to prevent further growth by offering alternative policies.

The SPD district chairman, Lars Kleinsteuber, echoed similar sentiments, condemning the AfD’s success despite controversial statements and allegations against their lead candidate. He urged the CDU to maintain its stance against right-wing extremism in the European Parliament. The Greens, who suffered significant losses compared to previous elections, acknowledged the need to reflect on the results and strategize for the upcoming local elections.

Overall, the European elections in Kreis Heinsberg highlighted the shifting political landscape and the rise of the AfD, prompting calls for a reevaluation of existing policies and strategies by the major parties. Despite the challenges posed by the AfD’s increasing influence, the higher voter turnout compared to previous elections indicates a growing engagement and interest in political affairs among the local population.