
Nachrichtenpodcast: „Ich find schön, dass wir so ein bunter Haufen sind“

The youth is often considered the future of the EU, but in Bochum-Werne, Europe seems quite distant. Milad Tabesch aims to change that by visiting schools in the Ruhr area.

Milad Tabesch, a 27-year-old born and raised in Bochum to Afghan refugee parents, believes that many young people in the poorer neighborhoods of the Ruhr region feel disconnected from the EU. They express feelings of not being heard or represented within the European Union. Despite acknowledging that the EU is not perfect, Tabesch is passionate about the idea of overcoming national boundaries to live freely and peacefully together. This enthusiasm led him to establish the „Ruhrpott für Europa“ initiative, through which he engages with students in classrooms, discussing the EU and listening to their concerns, aspirations, and hopes for the future.

In a workshop held at Willy-Brandt-Gesamtschule in Bochum-Werne just days before the European elections, we accompanied Milad Tabesch for our podcast. Werne, an industrial neighborhood with a slightly higher proportion of residents with migration backgrounds and unemployment rates compared to the Bochum average, serves as a familiar setting for Tabesch, who returned to Bochum after studying in Osnabrück, Berlin, and New York. His desire to advocate for the people in his hometown prompted him to launch his EU awareness campaign.

During the workshop, students from Willy-Brandt-Gesamtschule shared their thoughts on the EU, their sense of European identity, the aspects of Europe that matter to them, and whether they plan to vote in the upcoming elections. This dialogue reflects Tabesch’s commitment to bridging the gap between the youth and EU politics.

*Keywords: EU, Milad Tabesch, Ruhrgebiet, European Union, youth engagement*
