
Liveticker zur Kommunalwahl 2024 in Sachsen-Anhalt: Erste Zahlen zur Wahlbeteiligung | MDR.DE

The local elections in Sachsen-Anhalt are in full swing, with long lines forming at polling stations due to the lengthy ballots. The process is taking longer than usual, with voters facing challenges in folding the ballots back together and reading through the texts and names. Similar experiences are reported from various polling stations, highlighting the time-consuming nature of the voting process.

In Staßfurt, a decision is being made on whether the city should officially be known as the „Salt City.“ This additional question on the ballot has historical significance, dating back to the establishment of the first potash mine in the world in Staßfurt in 1856.

Families are making a day out of voting, with first-time voters joining their parents to cast their ballots. The importance of safety in the city is emphasized by many voters.

As of midday, the voter turnout stands at 19 percent, slightly lower than the turnout at the same time during the 2019 elections. The participation of 16 to under 18-year-olds is at 14.3 percent.

The elections are running smoothly so far, with no major disruptions reported. Voters express their reasons for casting their ballots, emphasizing the importance of every vote.

With 25 parties participating in the municipal elections, the diversity of choices is evident. Young candidates are stepping up to represent the population, aiming to bring about change in local politics.

The trend of increasing popularity in postal voting is observed in several districts, highlighting the convenience of this method. However, challenges like folding the oversized ballots correctly are faced by voters.

The upcoming election day promises to be a significant event, with various positions up for grabs in local councils and town halls. The democratic process relies on the participation of citizens, making every vote count.