the During the crypto-winter, it is worthwhile to always throw a critical view on the fundamental value of their Investments. Because the reasons of the inclined crypto-Enthusiast in king Bitcoin has invested, during a bear market unchanged.

23. February 2019BTC$3.951,20 -0.40%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

Here are five of the fundamental value promise of crypto-currency no 1.

1. Censorship resistance

The crux of electronic payment systems as they are today, is the so-called Double spend Problem. Behind the concept of the Problem, that a amount could be spent on x twice. Because electronic payments are nothing more than entries in databases and data can be copied.

Electronic payment systems, therefore, require the intermediary of the administrator, one speaks of Intermediaries. Examples of such intermediaries in the interbank network SWIFT or the European payment area, SEPA. Banks check in complex billing processes, the integrity of payments.

In General, it all works very smoothly – from the charges apart. That senders and receivers of payments will need to rely on a Central player, but has risks. Payments can be censored, in the worst case, accounts can be locked. That makes this option actually in use, shows the case of Iran. Due to political pressure from the U.S. government’s SWIFT from the castle, most recently, a majority of the Iranian banks from the payment network.

Satoshi Nakamoto’s main merit was to have first a solution for the Double-spend Problem, which works without the aid of Intermediaries. Bitcoins structure is peer-to-peer. Users can send values, so the data, without having to rely on a processed between these properly.

the demand for Bitcoin is rising since the US trade sanctions, shows that users promise this as one of the fundamental value of the crypto currency. Or, to say it in the (bullish) words of Twitter user Hodlonaut to:

The world has never seen a phenomenon that is even close to Bitcoin. Absolute Robustness. Complete Immutability. Absolute Censorship Resistance. Absolute Truth.