Are you a member of?

On the question, most, if not all, of the customers in the stands of a cash register to pay for the purchase. And a great many of us will nod happily and get our scores, which will lead to a bonus or a discount on a subsequent purchase.

However, as the Ica changed its incentive system, had the protests was not long in coming. This was unfair to small households and for households with a lean budget, “ said the irritated customers.

It is actually quite remarkable. To be a part of the incentive system, or a system of rebates based on how much it is, in fact, not a social right. And, of course, there is other business to be available for those who are annoyed at the changes.

think about why the borders are there. Been expressed, they are, in particular, the traders will benefit from it.

in the retail sector, which is dominated by supermarkets, is a business with small margins, two or three per cent, belong to the day. In other words, having a large and rapid turnover of goods and services.

and then bind the clients through various ”loyalty programs” ”system of bonus” or whatever they’re called, is quite simply one of the ways to bring about the rapid circulation of goods and services. The customers are going back to the same chain, in order to avail of the discounts.

the cards can be individually designed advertisement to be linked to the bonuschecken. Buy a set of households with a pasta of a particular brand, the sale of this paste is to jump into the mailbox, or the jingling, to the mejlkorgen.

this is Because of the fact that most of us in are creatures of habit, we go to the same shop that we always go to, to get the trader a good idea of what the goods are going to be all right.

However, there are questions that customers should ask themselves. First of all, it is for sure that this particular deal is that we are going to is the one that gives the best bang for your buck in the long run? Or is it that we go to the one in which the bonuschecken a hundring comes to an end in a week? a month?

as For the others, how pleased we are with, our shopping habits are recorded in order to be a trader to benefit from it?

from the sound of it was in response to a ”breach of contract” to clients to let go of the valuable information in exchange for discounts.

However, they should bear in mind that the compensation is the bonus, the bonus will be in the context of the chicken-feed to the value of the knowledge which the trader must.

then again, a Strong year for the used to look.