the Scooters have become increasingly popular in the last few years, which has resulted in more travel and more accidents. The Swedish board of registered 735 of accidents involving scooters in the last year. This year the figure is set at 20, which may be compared with a total of 17 accidents, by 2018 – despite the fact that the delay of health care reporting, so this year’s casualties are probably many more.
„People are always going to be trial and error, but it is important that both the manufacturer and the community are doing what they can in order to reduce the number of accidents as much as possible,“ says dr Sunnevång, deputy director of research at Autoliv.
they’ve begun testing an airbag for scooters. It is a step in the company’s focus on vulnerable road users, and reducing by half the trafikdödlighet by the year 2030. The idea is that the airbag will be sparkcykelns government and be put up in the event of a collision.
“ this is an area that we are exploring, as there is no other similar product available on the market today. We need to find new ways to enhance safety, and it is a part of it, “ says dr Sunnevång.
Cecilia Sunnevång, deputy director of research at Autoliv. Photo by: Bob Weimer
the Concept is still in the concept stage, and it is not clear if they can be put into use. Similarly, the absence of a clear agreement on the: written with no elskoterföretag. The plan is that the airbag will have to be supplemented by other devices on the elskotrarna.
“ It’s hard to say exactly what it could be, but it is certainly more the air of features, which can be a good solution.
elskoterföretagen to take the safety issue seriously, even though she is clear that she would like to see improvements in this area in order to reduce the olycksantalet.
“ It’s a constant work in progress. The parties, both the company and the government work together to make the most of the users.
Elskoterföretaget the City to welcome Their innovation. At the same time, there is the view that the public authorities have an important role to play in the issue of security. The infrastructure, which clearly distinguishes between the pedestrians and the vehicle in front is at the top of my list.
“ It is a matter of adapting the streets, squares, in this type of operation. Infrastructure needs to be up-to-date, so that you are able to travel in the safest manner possible, “ says Kristina Hunter-Nilsson, director of communications at the City.
by Kristina Hunter-Nilsson, director of communications at the City. Photo by: Bob Weimer
She points out that the number of accidents should be related to the number of trips made by scooters, in the last year. With over five million trips made using the City’s scooters in Sweden in the last year, says she.
(ITF) is the proportion of the elskoteranvändare that the use of a helmet is low – only about four per cent on a global basis. We hope to raise awareness about the scooters, launched in the City by a digital driving in the fall.
“ a quarter of A million people have gone through a driving school, and we are pleased with the results. Those who travel on an electric snowmobile has a responsibility for the safety of yourself, “ says Kristina Hunter-Nilsson.
for more information, see the Hundreds of accidents resulting in elsparkcyklar of the year.