“ this follows a typical pattern at times of stock market unrest. The players in the stock markets has been more difficult than usual to predict what’s going to happen, and then it affected the courses of different information.

“ It is sometimes överreaktioner, and then we get to the sharp swings up and down. It is here, we are going to see a lot of in the coming days and weeks.

“ growth will be slightly lower than would otherwise be the case. The international monetary fund (IMF), recently wrote down its forecast for the year, GDP growth in China, from six per cent to 5.6 per cent, due to a virus. For the economy as a whole, the IMF forecasts that the coronavirus reduces the growth rate by 0.1 per cent.

“ But these numbers are not set in stone. It could be a lot worse, but it can also be less severe. It all depends on how quickly the outbreak can be restricted, and how fast, above all, the chinese economy is recovering.

„the Economists and the forecasters are in on the graph of the growth of a V, a notch of growth, which is soon to be turning upwards again, a‘ U ‚ shape (a more drawn-out process, prior to recovery, at the same time) or an L (a fall in the growth rate, where the timing of the recovery cannot be predicted). To get the believe in of an a L L – it is more of a V or a U. the

“ yes, Yes, all the evidence is there. Sweden has an open, export-oriented economy with a relatively large number of large companies, with production and sales around the world.

“ no, No, not really. The chinese new year is a time when the chinese economy is, with a little less speed than we would otherwise have, and it’s in Swedish, and the other companies taken into account.

According to the Frederick Sidahl, president and ceo of the trade association FKG, which is a supplier to the automotive industry, however, there are examples of companies that are affected by the payment flows don’t really work. The chinese counterparts might not be klarmarkera bills and they are not on the job.

“ Probably within one to two weeks. According to the Sidahl will come, when the lack of components for the automotive industry, to become visible. The deliveries are of course not as they should be. Even in China, the interference on the way to the utskeppningshamnarna on the basis of the isolation and the restrictions on the shipments.

“ But there are a number of industries will feel the economic effects of the, if not the outbreak will be stopped in the near future. These include, among others, the clothing industry, the telecoms, and the elektronikbranscherna.

“ this could lead to the beat down of the pace of production, perhaps the introduction of the temporary short-time working.

“ No, not yet. National institute of economic research, the big banks and the big business association would like to wait for more information. Robert Bergqvist, chief economist at SEB, like, for example, waiting for the big reports for the first quarter as he does on an estimate of what the virus does to the world of business and the american economy in the world.

„About a week, in addition to PMI, the purchasing managers‘ index for the industry. Then, possibly, we will have a response as to how, in each case, these managers assess the coronavirusets impact on the economy.

On Friday minister for enterprise and energy, Ibrahim Baylan, and the minister of foreign trade, Anna, Please meet with a number of industry associations, in order to hear from them how the company is affected by the virus.

the Ministers are also being told that there is urgent need for the establishment of a law on short-time working schemes, in which the cost of the temporary short-time working, are being distributed among the state, enterprises and employees. These systems are available in a number of european countries, including Germany, Finland and sweden. The purpose of short-term employment is that the companies then do not have to tell people – or, at least, less than they would have otherwise, because of a temporary slump.
