Now, the government is trying to redress the difference between women’s and men’s lifetime income. On average, it is different, and 3.2 million in lifetime earnings between men and women, according to figures from the national mediation office.

A new commission will be investigating the four parts of the livsinkomsterna. Secondly, it is about equal pay. As a result, among other things, identifying the need for statistics on the pay gap between men and women.

in Addition to this, the commission will examine the distribution of state aid, and revenue in general. For example, how the different types of benefits impact on gender equality, such as the amount of the allowance.

Four of the people involved in the work, and shall submit a proposal for action. One of them is, Sture Nordh, the former chairman of the YORK.

“ We talk a lot about the wages and the gender pay gap, but as we viddar the term to the lifetime income is needed, there is even more action. There are a lot of issues we need to deal with it. Among other things, that women and men are treated differently by the authorities and the social services, “ he said.

Lise Bergh, the president of the Save the children alliance, Mahmood Arai, a professor, and a daughter, Nina Åkestam Wikner, doctor of economic sciences, is included in the european commission.

The fourth area that the commission is to investigate, on an equal footing the workplace. In a case like ┼ He raises is whether it is possible to put in place a voluntary jämställdhetscertifiering in the workplace.

“ It would be to be able to serve as a resource for employers who really want to take a step forward in gender equality. We have a number of companies that have a hard time with the recruitment process, when would the certification process be able to be of assistance, “ says minister for gender equality.

“ It is clear in the directives that the european commission is not going to go into the concept. It is the social partners who are responsible for the formation of wages. We will also engage in dialogue with the trade unions and the employers, “ says Åsa Lindhagen.

this is A challenge for the achievement of gender equality in the labour market is the shortage of arbetskraftdeltagandet among immigrant women. This applies particularly to women of non-european origin.

“ We’re going to need to work on some of the groups are not overlooked in our proposals and solutions, such as immigrant women. If it does not break down the classes into smaller groups and risk of some to be at a disadvantage, “ says Nina Åkestam Wikner.

the results must be reported no later than december 20, 2021.

the Investigation at the time of the summit in the harassment.