There’s always a first Time – also in the Listing of stablecoins. In the case of the American crypto-stock exchange on 23. October was the Premiere for the USD Coin of the Circle. The first Stable Coin on Coinbase advertises with a focus on transparency and Compliance.

A Stable Coin that will be his Name, needs to be able to smother any doubt as to its (Fiat)coverage in the Bud. By far the largest and best-known Stable Coin Tether succeeded so far in any satisfactory way. Already before the recent bad news out of the Bermuda triangle, the Bitcoin exchange Bitfinex, Tether Limited, and the Noble Bank, came up again and again, the question of whether, in fact, for each Tether (USDT) is a US Dollar deposited. A June published opinion of the law firm of Freeh, Sporks and Sullivan (FSS) should answer this question definitively with „Yes“, however, due to personnel entanglements between the FSS and the two then Tether-banks only conditional significance. Still Tether Limited is relying on the FSS Report to demonstrate the „stability“ of the USDT.

The Tether of the course speaks for a few weeks, however, a different language – not least because of the allegations, the Tether closely verbandelte crypto-stock exchange Bitfinex have created USDT „out of Nothing“ to buy Bitcoin, thereby driving the Bitcoin price at Bitfinex in the height.

CENTRE. for transparency

No wonder, then, that there is a growing number of potential Tether-epigones The investment giant Goldman Sachs supported Blockchain-Start-up Circle already announced in may of this year, with the „USD Coin“ (USDC) is a Stable Coin. In September, launched the Circle of the USDC on Poloniex and various Asian Exchanges. From now on, the Stable Coin can be traded – as the first of its kind on the Bitcoin exchange Coinbase.

This gave Coinbase and Circle on 23. October, in a joint statement. In addition, the two companies introduced the they established the consortium CENTRE. The CENTRE forms a network that Fiat is coupled to the Stable Coins specialized. The first is USDC. The digital ERC-20-dollars is part of an Ecosystem, the platforms currently consists of 40 crypto-exchanges, Wallet providers, cryptographic providers, and Blockchain -.

of Course, the CENTRE promises that the USDC is covered 100% by the US Dollar. Thus, no doubt, to make the editor of the stablecoins regular information on their U.S. Dollar holdings. It is said in the announcement of 23. October:

„CENTRE Stable Coins are issued by a regulated and licensed financial institutions, the full reserves of the corresponding Fiat currency. The issuers are obliged to report regularly to the USD reserve holdings and to make this information available upon request.“

Successful Start for the USDC

the USDC for a Stable Coin, fulfilled his promise? So far, there is evidence to suggest. Circle has, because of its support by Goldman Sachs among investors a degree of confidence. The CENTRE-consortium should enforce its Compliance rules on an independent and transparent way, could not develop USDC real competition for the battered Tether – even if the two games in terms of market apitalis there for a long time in a League. If it is not possible Tether, however, the confidence of the investors to sustainably restore and continue to the small bench-change-you-drive game, it could be for the most Stable Coin long term.

Yesterday, the market capitalisation of the USDT fell by around 50 million to just under two billion dollars. The USDT course is still struggling with the attainment of parity with the US Dollar and is currently 0,985 US Dollar. However, the USDC is not liked in its short history, under the brand of a US Dollar and can look in spite of its „youth“ since the yesterday’s Coinbase-Listing on a market capitalization of about 85 million US dollars.