The new Zealand police has warned the Public against Online scams after an Investor the equivalent of around 181,000 Euro in crypto has lost fraudsters, as the police of Canterbury on Wednesday, 26. September, confirmed.

The unnamed Investor who has repeatedly invested in an ultimately fraudulent Online crypto-currency scheme, was attracted by the „extremely good returns,“ says a police report from the city of Canterbury.

According to the report, the calls, the nature of the transaction, currencies are those returns on the „investments in Crypto, such as, for example, Bitcoin, soon gradually sunk“. As the investments have been discontinued due to lack of returns, has contacted the scammers on the investors personally. The Investor will then pay more money on the website.

„people should take advice, before making Online investments, you are not sure,“ commented Senior Sergeant Paul Reeves, and added:

„scammers are extremely persistent and can appear very credible, as they are well-versed in your business.“

The police report ends with a Link to more information on crypto-currency security.

regulatory authorities around the world continue to struggle with malicious parties, the initial investors in the crypto currency industry to manipulate. Cointelegraph has reported recently that there was a flood of Identity thefts in the UK, behind which fraudulent companies that disguise themselves as licensed, cryptocurrency-related units, to be carried out.

last week, turned the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX Elon Musk, also of Jackson Palmer, founder of Dogecoin (DOGE), to help in the prevention of crypto-currency scams on Twitter.