With the advent of new Messenger services seem to lose the good old SMS, which gradually increased in importance. CoinText is the Short Message Service, however, a new meaning: the Sending of crypto-currencies, by SMS. The demand seems to be quite good, is the crypto-company but inexorably on a course of expansion.

The crypto-company CoinText has set itself the target of what at first seems truly far-fetched: crypto-currencies without the Internet and Apps to send. Instead, Bitcoin Cash amounts via SMS to change the owner. So the company wants to allow people who have no Internet and banking access, on the crypto world, be part of.


CoinText declared on the company’s website the claim to the project:

„The ability to manage digital currencies without Internet, Apps, accounts, or complicated addresses, the easiest way for new users to the crypto-currency and opens up global market opportunities for billions of people, who have no access to banks.“

The procedure is very simple. Thus, the user can set up a Wallet by sending START to the CoinText number that is assigned to your Region. Once you have added your BCH in the Wallet, you can send them to the phone number of a friend. To do this, the receiver needs to however, not your own Wallet.

The development of Europe’s

so Far, the crypto-SMS service in 25 countries available, including Germany. 22. October announced CoinText in a press release that the Sending of BCH is now in Croatia, Romania, Poland and Brazil. The choice of these countries was not random. How CoinText-founder and CTO, Vin Armani explained, is the Expansion in the (South)Eastern European countries to come closer to the development of the entire European continent. The addition of Brazil pursues not political objectives, such as Giorgio Armani explains:

„The Brazilians suffer from corruption and poor monetary policy. Crypto-currencies offer you the opportunity to leave peacefully by a corrupt System.“

Only since last week CoinText offers its services in Argentina and in Turkey. At this speed of Expansion the ambitious goal of the company no longer seems quite so far-fetched:

„The goal of CoinText is to allow the end of the year all of the 740 million European citizens that they can send each other for Pennies of money on their phones.“