
Abbott Laboratories Stock: Price Today in the Red (94.4459 €)

On Wednesday, 05.06.2024, at 17:49, the stock of Abbott Laboratories is trading lower in the US securities market. Investors are currently paying $102.64 for the stock. Abbott Laboratories‘ stock is experiencing a price decline of 0.76% at the moment. It has decreased by 79 cents compared to the closing price of the previous trading day. The stock is currently valued at $102.64 in the stock market. Compared to the S&P 500, Abbott Laboratories‘ share is lagging behind. The S&P 500 is currently at 5,329 points, which is an increase of 0.72%. The lowest price ever recorded for Abbott Laboratories‘ stock was on August 7, 2007, when it cost 27 cents, which is $102.37 less than the current price.

Abbott Laboratories Company:
Abbott Laboratories and its consolidated companies form an internationally oriented healthcare conglomerate that develops, produces, and markets innovative health and care products. The range of offerings includes care products, nutrition, improved diagnostic and treatment procedures, covering a person’s entire life span – from babies to seniors. The product portfolio extends to nutrition (baby and children’s food), medications, diagnostic instruments and test procedures, minimally invasive surgical devices, diabetes medications, and animal health.

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This news article was originally published on PR Newswire on 07.06.24.