the The Lightning Network is feasible. A new App called Tippin allowed the donation on the push of a button via Twitter. An important step in the direction of practicality is made.

Max Halder
20. February 2019BTC$3.954,03 -0.02%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

Everybody knows it: You get in a Taxi, it is already late in the night and it’s a strange, strange conversation develops in the protected space of the car. Nowhere is this Situation is captured better than in the Film Night on Earth by Jim Jarmusch. The taxi driver is the epitome of the ancient Twitterers (= Zwitscherer), you will be immersed in a different filter bubble and get off with new insights. The taxi ride is for mental adventure. But to do a taxi ride with a Twitter and Bitcoin?

Problem? Solution!

One of the basic ideas behind Bitcoin was to allow the payment of smaller amounts, to establish Bitcoin so as an everyday means of payment. In the original Version of the trouble with this Ideal were but soon. Payments lasted between ten minutes and an hour, and with the number of users increases, the fees increased. The Lightning Network is trying to solve this Problem. The now world-famous London taxi driver Dave Jenkins uses this network already. A client of his, paid within a period of two seconds, and the toll of less than one Euro cent.

The App Tippin

the CEO of Twitter, Jack Dorsey, has a great interest in Bitcoin, was last known to be in relation to the number-One App in the Google Play Store in the Finance category called Cash App. The developer of the App Tippin have now launched a Google Chrome extension. Thus, via Twitter, that Bitcoin over the Lightning Network send. In addition to the conventional Buttons for „Like“ and „Retweet“ will then appear a small Lightning icon. You should only go with Google Chrome to the Internet, the extension install and on Twitter, log in and you’re ready to go. The developers of Tippin, Sergio Abril, to:

in My opinion, the payment of gratuities will get tremendous importance now, as the Lightning Network to start rolling. For the first Time, we can ship small amounts almost to a zero tariff, what is going on is also incredibly fast.

Abril wants to make Tippin also for other social networks. One of the major problems is the binding of a guardian, however, the user of Tippin don’t speak has complete control over his funds. This is mainly due to the associated ease of Handling of the App. But the fact Abril wanted to work, now that the whole thing „beats so slowly larger waves.“

of Course, the Lightning Network is still in beta version, so still a little time left to us, until it appears in the final Version.

views of a taxi driver

Dave Jenkins, of the above-mentioned taxi driver, pointing out also the Potential of the Lightning Networks. 70 percent of his customers pay cash-free by debit or credit card. Fees in the amount of 4.25 per cent, the Lightning Network was a „huge progress“. Interestingly, Jenkins is not interested in much technology. „I have a Computer, but I really don’t know how it works,“ says Jenkins. In the case of Bitcoin and the Fiat urgency for Alternative funds, but he makes an exception. The so-called GDP, which are optimization suggestions for the Bitcoin System, he prays by rote, as if they were national Manifestos. He thinks the monetary policy of Bitcoin is better than Fiat money. Jenkins provides the ability of the governments in question to create money out of Nothing.

[Fiat money] is simply what has been agreed. I’m looking at the pound or the Euro, and none of the currencies of sense to me. Bitcoin, however, makes sense,

he says.

Read also: The Bitcoin Jesus for censorship-God – Craig Wright, and the Twitter filter bubble


A taxi ride could be worthwhile in many ways. Maybe you get on in London with Dave Jenkins and gets something about Bitcoin, told what you can post then on Google Chrome on Twitter to get then the travel over drinking money paid in Bitcoin. If that doesn’t sound good.

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