the The transaction volume of Bitcoin was in the year 2018 450 times higher than that of Visa. The total moving amount of money from Bitcoin in the year 2018 at 3.4 trillion US dollars – the 5.8-Times from PayPal. In certain things it can take the crypto-currency already with the competition. The found a study of data light.

By Phillip Horch
4. April 2019BTC$4.966,25 -0.36% part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

Visa, MasterCard and PayPal are the names of the companies in which it comes to Moving a lot of money. As a study from home data light now suggests that it can. Bitcoin directly in this list with Enqueue – at least, subject to

Because as far as the transaction volume in the year 2018, surpassed Bitcoin in the year 2018, the payment service provider’s Visa. The total suspended amount of money is to be 3.4 trillion US dollars. This corresponds to a 5.8-Fold that of PayPal. What stands out from the analyses of data light: The average transaction volume of Bitcoin is significantly higher than that of the competition. The study comes to the following result:

In questions after the total transaction volume surpassed Bitcoin PayPal and approaching MasterCard. As we have noted, we calculate the us determined the average sum of a transaction.

Bitcoin is ahead of its competition in this regard, many thousands of times. […] Is 450 times higher than that of Visa. This tells us that the Bitcoin network is more suitable for larger, and probably also in international payments.

Bitcoin is establishing itself as a digital Gold

from This we can deduce that Bitcoin has established its place as a digital Gold. In the area of micro-transactions and in matters of scaling the crypto-currency can’t compete (yet) with the competition. However, the possibility to save with the BTC value and to send this very much more efficiently around the globe, exceeds that of the competition currently.

And that BTC just in questions of the practicality of its physical Equivalent, is likely to have already spoken. Because the crypto currency has significantly lower transaction costs, can you keep this safe for you is deflationary, censorship-resistant, and a total of liquid. The only drawback remains the ability of Bitcoin to scale.

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