Bitcoin is moving for weeks sideways, it is similar in the case of the crypto-currency number two. Also, Ethereum is in contrast to last year’s extremely quiet, even if it looks on the developer front is quite different. Outliers in the Top 3 is quite clear XRP from Ripple. Since you ask: (Where) are the cops in front of the door?

If the cops are in front of the door, it is not always a good sign. You might have missed the right opportunity, quickly buy before it starts and quite quickly to the dreaded FOMO-train jump, after you survived the FUD attacks permanently.

Sometimes it is only the pop up the next bubble, which flooded the market all of a sudden. However, In the (crypto-)application market, the bulls welcome guests. Their presence can not predict always accurate, but there are some points where you can hold on to – so in the last week.

rise of the altcoin market

As the question wandered across the room: Is Ripple is better than Bitcoin? When it comes to Cory Johnson, the chief marketing strategist at Ripple, sure. We tested his statement to heart and kidney and found out: we can’t really compare the two high-caliber. If you let it, but really it arrive, will Bitcoin win most likely.

Ripple shoots to a height of

nevertheless, the Altcoin market has developed rapidly. There it was, above all, Ripple, excelled through new partnerships and extensive progress in xRapid. That technical progress pays off sometimes, was immediately noticeable – in the night from 5. on the 6. November could increase the Ripple price (XRP) briefly to about 20 percent. Something else was confirmed: Altcoins are with their development of increasingly independent and develop a life of their own.

Altcoins develop a life of its own

Because while the correlation between the Price development of Bitcoin and other crypto-currencies in the past sometimes led to a sense of Manipulation that decoupled the Happen in the market more and more. In this connection, the data collector of the company Santiment also noted that ERC20-Token by their mother currency, Ethereum decouple. And its bull rally host.

Ethereum continues to grow

However, if the Altcoins detach slowly from Ethereum, that does not mean that the token flag the ship is at a standstill. Vitalik Buterin founded on the last Devcon that the new Ethereum Version of a healthy Dose of Innovation to expect. Ethereum 2.0., thus, the inventor of the platform, will be better, faster and cheaper. Also, if it should not hit so far in the Ether of the course: The sign that we are on a good way.

Bitcoin News: bullish

And also in the mother of all crypto currencies in the news the situation in retrospect, is quite good. Even if Bitcoin will be still mentioned in connection with crime: The advancement of technology growing every day a bit more. Recently, for example, there is an Excel Plugin for the Lightning Network. Although at first this may sound like a little thing, the plug-in that Bitcoin main stream is suitable.

in fact, it has been reported also in the context of banking giant Goldman Sachs, that there are first customers for the Bitcoin Futures. Of the product and the publisher, you may think what you want, but the messages speak in a positive language.

As it was, according to Morgan Stanley in the case of Bitcoin, a new institutional asset class. Your report according to the crypto-currency live currently in a rapid transformation, and make ready for the onslaught of “Big”. At the moment there are, however, the unclear legal situation and the technical complications that kept the big money back.

There was something…

these two points in the handle, to the decision of the SEC to the Bitcoin ETF in the house. The asset class would open up the investing in Bitcoin for a wider audience. According to Gabor Gurbacs it was only a matter of time until these are approved, because he sees all the conditions for admission quite fulfilled. The Public had 5 to. November time, comments on the upcoming decision. Now it’s up to the SEC to confer an authorisation or rejection of the Bitcoin ETF.

An all-round view of the crypto world: The cops are in front of the door, but they are not so predictable as before. Each Token decouple from each other and, even if a high dominance is increasingly independent of Bitcoin. While the characters in the case of Ripple, and ASKED, for example, are clearly on the GO, Bitcoin is probably still something to be seen.