Bitcoin is growing up. In an industry that is always again plagued by uncertainty, stability is a rarity. Whether it is the unclear position of the Tether, the strange movements of Bitfinex, or the unresolved legal situation: can You rely on bit. And yet a prominent currencies, the mother of all Crypto. The situation on Wednesday.

Bitcoin is a grown-up? With nearly ten years? This may sound exaggerated in view of the unsettled legal situation. And yet: There is some evidence.

Matures first of All, of course, a study that says exactly that: The Bitcoin market. The man could not be read only in the decline in volatility. Especially – and this the editor of the study emphasize, be it the short-term strong euphoria that came over a year ago, broke out and just as quickly. The rates have skyrocketed, only a short time later again to fall together. Clear signs of maturity, according to the scientists from kraków. The conclusion: If this continues, it can record the Bitcoin universe soon with the „Large“ and directly join.


sleep is So stable, the situation on the Wednesday (at least in the case of Bitcoin), but may be, This is not to say that the Community is sleeping. On the contrary, thanks to a new Client of Bitmex Bitcoin community now has the opportunity to work on further developments for the crypto-currency. No wonder, then, that the bulls are once again in agreement: The floor is reached, the next Run comes at the latest in 2019. If it goes a bit faster, is worth the auction, the US marshals, they offer 660 BTC.

Maybe you should wait but actually until the end of December. Then, the Bitcoin Futures of Bakkt. With physical futures contracts, they lure in the best case, a number of investors, the animals are rather in the known realms, as this „new“ technology. The everything works as you imagine it sometimes, could it be with the stability and then again, fast. But let’s be honest: That is no matter. The main thing is that they come from, the cops.

stability does not exist anywhere

But so stable crypto currency number One be like: its environment, it is not necessarily. Since the Causa is to Tether the alleged Stable Coin is so unstable that it is now seemingly worthwhile, to conduct Arbitrage. The question is, how closely because Bitfinex is one of the largest Exchanges, and Tether are connected. After all, you share a Bank and, in addition, is also questionable founding members.

And the Altcoins?

Here is the Ethereum Foundation has unwrapped the financial injection. Three million dollars will be in the exploration of the crypto-currency on the second place put. It is confirmed: The Blockchain industry is growing.

And the price of Bitcoin?

said: stable. In the last seven days, the crypto-currency lost less than two percent. Also in the monthly review of the loss in rate is only three percent. Thus, the price of Bitcoin is currently at 6.480 the US Dollar.

by the Way: In our new Podcast this week to IOTA and digital identity. Worth to hear!