The Twitter-AMA, Square Crypto has revived a debate that has existed for quite some time: what is the Symbol to represent the smallest unit of a Bitcoin, the Satoshi,? Square Crypto could accelerate such discussions.

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While Bitcoin its moon journey continues, it is expected more and more impracticable, in BTC to. Anyone who invested about 100 euros in Bitcoin, the gets according to current exchange rates, about 0,01167 BTC – or 1.167.000 Satoshi. Feels right after a lot more. For this reason, the Bitcoin community has been calling for quite some time, that, for example, Exchanges in Sats instead of BTC count. The reasoning: The perception of the Investors is distorted by a so-called Unit Bias. Decimal digits after a decimal point count, as well as some smaller units. Also it just feels better to have more than one million units of a Good than the thousandth part of a Whole.

Bitcoin-₿ addiction Satoshi-$

While there are for the famous Bitcoin Logo on a standardized Form (and even a Keyboard-Integration [₿]), you look for the Logos for the smallest amount of a bitcoin in vain. In the Wake of the Square-AMA, in the case of the Square-Crypto-CEO Steve Lee question and answer, the debate on the Satoshi icon, however, once again.