the Liechtenstein Post is now offering the purchase of Bitcoin. The small Alpine country between Switzerland and Austria to expand its Position as an international financial centre. As the first branch of Vaduz on the schedule.

Brigitte Bernhardt
18. February 2019BTC$3.860,48 6.50% part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

As the press statement from the 14. February 2019, was at the liechtensteinische Post AG on the search for new fields of business. The company has now decided that the exchange of crypto-currencies in their post offices. The new Service is different from the traditional currency exchange business.

This attitude is not surprising, Liechtenstein, however, for his crypto-friendly policy. BTC-Echo reported in July 2018, the introduction of a Blockchain-law. Like its neighbors Austria and Switzerland, the Principality creates so obviously the right incentives for the economy: Despite the ongoing bear market to settle, more and more Blockchain-companies.

crypto acceptance in the Alpine region

First, the purchase of Bitcoin will be in the post office of Vaduz. The customer will receive at the switch a physical crypto-Wallet. To which Wallet it is, told the Post. How much money you can exchange per day, and whether a KYC procedure is necessary, is also not yet known.

After the introduction phase of the purchase of Bitcoin should be in other post offices in the country. In addition, the Post plans to expand the offer for the exchange of other crypto-currencies. It will then be possible to switch to Ethereum, Litecoin, Bitcoin, Cash, and Ripple.

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Switzerland as a role model

the new business model, has brought to the Post the company Värdex Suisse in the boat. In Switzerland, the largest provider of Blockchain-Payments and belongs to the Crypto Valley train Community. In Switzerland they has a long experience with Bitcoin Services, not only in train, the as crypto and Blockchain-high-castle-famous city. One of the pioneers in the adaptation of crypto currencies, the Swiss Federal railway. People can buy their Coins easy at the Ticket machines of the tram.

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