the In the last years Hard fork in the Bitcoin universe happened more often. Bitcoin is Cash, and Bitcoin SV, the most popular excesses. How it came to the Bitcoin Forks and where the differences lie, explains Chrsistoph miner episode in this Podcast.

By Alex Roos
15. January 2019BTC$3.612,24 -1.43%Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

Since Bitcoin is open source, anyone can copy the computer code and its own Bitcoin-network. Also, a certain state-of-the Blockchain can branch off. At such a fork in the road, the talk is of a Hard Fork. It is important that enough people support the fork and join. Otherwise, the Forker finds himself alone on his branch.

1. August 2017 so happened to be the first Hard Fork in Bitcoin: It was the birth of Bitcoin to cash. From a network two were. A good year later, on 15. November 2018, split the Bitcoin-Cash-network: Bitcoin SV saw the light of the world. Whom the history of the Bitcoin Forks is not quite clear in BTC-ECHO Podcast answers.

the thing with The scaling, and the Hash Wars

the reason for the first Hard Fork of Bitcoin and Bitcoin for Cash of the maximum block size. The Small-Block representatives wanted to increase the block size, and instead by the block weight to replace. The Opposition, the Big Blocker, wanted to raise the maximum block size, if not even completely abolished. In the end, both parties got their wishes. Bitcoin, BTC, introduced SegWit. In contrast, Bitcoin forkte Cash, and increased the block size to eight megabytes. This was the preliminary result of the large-scale debate in Bitcoin.

The disagreement between Bitcoin, Cash and Bitcoin, SV, however, was of a different nature. Here it was less about the maximum block size, although she was raised by the Bitcoin SV again. Rather, other, more controversial Amendments to the Protocol were at the heart of the dispute. Christoph Bergmann explains the technical differences between BCH and BSV.

source: Twitter

Christopher is a Journalist with a focus on Bitcoin. He throws since 2013 his eye on the digital Gold, and keeps track of his findings in the bitcoin blog. His insights, he has also noted in a book he sold, among other things, for Bitcoin and Bitcoin for Cash. In his work he has the all Bitcoin Forks apart.

Read also: war is over: Bitcoin Cash-ABC is by

show notes


A Lightning Node for payments setting up bitcoin Cash is planning to Hard Fork for November 2018Bürgerkrieg in Bitcoin cash miner to gather behind Bitcoin CashHash Wars: Bitcoin SV beats zurückDer Hash vorbeiEin Overview of BTC, BCH and BSV


The BitcoinBlogDas book: Bitcoin –
The crazy story of the rise of a new money


Christoph Bergmann on Twitter

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