the You have already tried to understand Bitcoin, however, are failed to the many of the new concepts? Then you are exactly right here.

By Alex Roos
5. February 2019BTC$3.460,41 0.03%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

Make no mistake about it: Krypto complicated currencies. Particularly, the first contact with this new technology, it overwhelmed the newcomers. But not: hang on, This a result of the BTC-ECHO Podcast is made for you.

Bitcoin and crypto-currencies,

explains in this Episode is Bente. You study Economics and has, for this reason, an Overview of economic issues, however, crypto-currencies your still not completely. That’s why you ask me your questions and I will try to answer them as simply as possible.

for example, There is the often-discussed volatility, so the strong fluctuations in the Bitcoin price. How can such a volatile Good for the money of a company? How does redoing the Bitcoin Mining is that even fair? And the number of Bitcoin is limited actually to 21 million – what happens when the last Bitcoin is gemint?

These are questions a lot of beginners. Therefore, the respective responses deserve their own TV show. With this Podcast episode, you get currencies, so your entry into the cryptic world of Crypto.

show notes


What is actually money?What Fiat money actually is?Fixed amounts of money, and real nThe pitfalls of InflationWas happens when the last Bitcoin is gemint? the


the Rich List: The 100 richest Bitcoin addresses

Read also: H-Ant: A Virus is attacking Mining Pools

Has helped you this episode? Or maybe you have a question that has not been clarified in the Podcast? Then a short E-Mail just write us. For more help, the gates to the BTC-ECHO Discord-channel available to you. Here, over 1,700 crypto-enthusiasts, the features about growth cavort.

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