the Bitcoin competes against Gold, while IOTA wants to abolish the coordinator. In Texas alleged) Bitcoin (mining, BTC and XRP begin to go different ways. The Hash Was in BCH comes to an end, Bitcoin continues to dive. The interested our audience the most. The Newsflash: The Top Bitcoin News of the week.

By Phillip Horch
At the 2. December 2018 share Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

Not all have to follow the time, the news glut in the crypto-universe. For those (but also for all the others) there is the Newsflash: What were our visitors in the past week, the most exciting.

Thus, Gold became debt – to-money- Can happen to Bitcoin?

Max Kuhlmann takes us on a small journey through the history of money and the question is: How could it happen that from a pure gold standard is a monetary system of gold-backed debt was seem? As this went on, and whether the BTC can also happen in the article.

IOTA is planning a gradual abolition of the Coordinator

IOTAs Coordinator is sometimes suspected to be the dezentralste figure in the crypto-Space. This wants to say goodbye to the IOTA Foundation.

My Crypto mining: Texas ended Bitcoin Mining Scam

What is more lucrative than Mining? Mining Scams. But only if it works. Cautionary tale for cheaters: my Crypto mining.

BTC, Ripple, and Ethereum – rate analysis KW48 – Exemplary downward motion

The dive of the BTC course, without question, a defining experience in the last week. With all the deep aisles of the markets you have to wonder: Where’s all this going? Our analysis is based on a evaluation.

crypto – and traditional markets KW47 – Separate ways for Bitcoin and XRP?

As the most Hodler, traders and crypto-enthusiasts, in the meantime, there is a high correlation between Bitcoin and all the Altcoins – rising BTC, does mostly the whole market. The XRP-Token could free themselves of it soon. Why? See here.

Bitcoin-Mining: Up to 800,000 devices switched off

Mining is especially in a bull market. The cops, however, currently little of see, currently some of the miners out of the market. What does this mean for the Ecosystem, is – you guessed it – in the article.

war is over: Bitcoin Cash ABC by the

is The BCH-war is over. See details of our war reporter David. Where is that from? Here.

study: Where is the German Blockchain Ecosystem?

To the completion of a small Christmas treat for our readers: our exclusive study. We investigated the German Blockchain-Start-up-scene in cooperation with the block state. Out of that came some surprising results. But see for yourself.

have A nice Sunday
