the Am 19. January 2019 in the Norwegian Twitter User @hodlonaut started a social Experiment. This impressively demonstrates the functionality and reliability of the Bitcoin Lightning Network. The Norwegians promised to send you 100,000 Satoshi (1 mBTC) to a Person if they, in turn, promises to lead the 110,000 Satoshi to a third Person. So the beginning of a chain. 100 people from over 30 countries are now involved in the Experiment.

René Pickhardt
At the 1. February 2019BTC$3.460,21 1.28%Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

It is a winter evening in snow-covered Oslo. The days are short and cold. The people are in their warm homes. Some lurking around on Twitter. Among them, a 40-year-old Norwegians under the Pseudonym @hodlonaut. His Vision: More people should use the Lightning Network. Therefore, he gives a small Bitcoin amounts. He wonders what would happen if one starts a kind of chain letters in the Lightning Network? His idea with far-reaching consequences is simple: He offers to send a Person to 100,000 Satoshi, if he trusts this Person directs the 110,000 Satoshi to the next Person. This spontaneous idea he shared in a Tweet: