Bulgaria could be one of the biggest Bitcoin whales at all. 2017 confiscated law enforcement authorities of the country, over 200,000 BTC by cyber criminals. But since then, the country wraps itself in Silence. What do we know about the backgrounds.

22. July 2019BTC$10.293,00 -1.17%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

bitcoin’s risk profile is asymmetric. This means that the potential gains outweigh the investment risk. And a lot of it: Finally, the so-called Sharpe is the Ratio for the hour to 3.08, which is more than twice as high as that of comparison assets, such as shares. In the case of the Sharpe Ratio is a statistic that measures the ratio of volatility – risk – to-return. More on this here.

the asymmetry of The risk structure is likely to be one of the reasons for Bitcoins growth. Because for high net worth investors would be worth it already, the allocation of a small percentage in Bitcoin, in the medium benefit to, in the long term the crypto-currency no 1 to. It comes different than expected, compensated in a well-diversified Portfolio for losses incurred.

governments and Central banks are one of potential investors in Bitcoin. Finally, keep these, as a rule, a whole range of assets such as gold reserves and foreign exchange to protect themselves against fluctuations in the value of their own currency. Bitcoin’s incentive structure is so knitted that it is only a matter of time until the first States to participate in the Bitcoin-announce-rate.

Bitcoin-whale Bulgaria

However, as we have already reported, could be a member state of the EU already in possession of a significant amount of BTC. The speech is from Bulgaria. Such as the Southeast European Law Enforcement Center (SELEC) in a press release dated 19. May 2017 has announced that managed to Bulgarian law enforcement authorities to excavate a group of cyber criminals. In the process, confiscated by the investigators, approximately 200,000 BTC. According to the current market value of Bulgaria sits on a 1,875-billion-Euro treasure – not even the gold reserves of the country are worth so much.

Then, the result of exciting computing games. Because at this point in time, the Southeast European country with the sum of about 17 percent could pay back its sovereign debt.

the Public Bulgaria denies, however, that said Bitcoin are actually state-owned. As to the truth of this statement, one can only speculate. Unclear would be, however, why the press release of the Southeast European law enforcement Agency SELEC is still online and has not been revoked.

Who acts sent, the hodlt

acts May be, the country is simply more skillful than his predecessor. The Bitcoin seized by the U.S. Marshall’s Office from the estate of Ross Ulbricht, had thrown the authority of the next-best opportunity on the market. One of the buyers, Tim Draper, is likely to have made in view of the increase in the value of the business of his life.

Should the BTC actually in Bulgarian state-owned, would do the country well to hodln for some time. Who knows, one day Bulgaria can pay off this may not be only 17 percent, but its total government debts.

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