Breez launched its first Lightning App on iOS. Thus, it will be a Breez-users possible in the future to make Bitcoin Payments via the iPhone. The transactions run over a Breez Hub, which is connected with the Lightning Nodes. Security of supply the so-called „Balance Sheets“, which Peer-to-Peer recovery points. First of all, the Beta Version will run on the testing platform test flight.
From Polina Khubbeeva
18. June 2019BTC$and 9,158,00 -1.47%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail
The crypto-Wallet provider Breez released a Lightning-Payment App for Bitcoin on iOS. The company builds on the success it had with its Open Network on Android. Each Time a transaction is created Breez a Breez Hub, which is the network connection to numerous Lightning Nodes arises.
While Bitcoin mobile, it is also more useful and more people will use Bitcoin. This industry is thus based on the mobility of Bitcoin. How do we make it so mobile?
asks Breez-CEO Roy Sheinfeld.
In the Medium-blog post from the 17. June is the Co-Founder of the company, immediately the answer: „In a word: Lightning.“ Sheinfeld praises the Lightning Economy as the payment structure in the future, while he compares Bitcoin with Gold, and as „better than any other currency, whether crypto or Fiat“ is considered.
A Lightning Economy is mainly characterized by the absence of intermediate structures, the buyer and the seller separate from each other. A Bitcoin-based Lightning-Payment App, on the basis of a Wallet, which is calculated to your users, not for the transactions, according to Sheinfeld, the best basis for such an Ecosystem.
Breez offers with „Balance Sheets“ security
After a transaction, get both sides of a so-called „Balance Sheet“. It is an update of the accounts of the two parties takes place on the Blockchain, which you confirm by signing the „Balance Sheets“. This is used in case of technical irregularities as a Back-Up for the recovery of the balance of both User. In this case, the System returns the Wallet to the state of the last saved Balance Sheets.
most of The iPhone Users have to wait, meanwhile, still before you can try the application. The Beta Version for iOS running first test flight, Apple’s developer platform for Beta Apps.
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