It’s no secret anymore: crypto-saver can be currencies in the day of trouble, when the conventional Fiat currency is failing. A Live example of this is Venezuela. The rate of Inflation in the crisis-stricken Venezuelan makes daily life almost impossible. Accordingly, the people there are resorting to virtual coins, to pay or to buy food. Now the first Baby with Bitcoin Finance was born in Venezuela.

By Alexandra cons
On the 25. October 2019BTC$7.582,61 1.81%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

On the Venezuelan journalist Carlos Hernández, in Bitcoin pay, we have already reported. The national currency of Venezuela, the Bolívar, is thanks to the Inflation in a seemingly unstoppable downward trend.

For the residents Veneuzelas this is a disaster. According to the Venezuelan inhabitants are looking for financial Alternatives to the ailing financial system. Many have found their answer in the various digital currencies. A pharmacy would be because the chain of Caracas, the accepted Dash as a means of payment. But Venezuela’s President, Nicolás Maduro, suggests currencies to the side of the Crypto. The state-owned digital currency Petro should be based on the theoretical reserves of Oil in the country. A solid, single solution yet, but a lot of different crypto-ideas.

Venezuelans will pay the birth of his child with Bitcoins

Adrán was born on 30. September, the light of the world in Caracas, Venezuela. In the midst of the economic crisis, the best possible medical care was of benefit for this child yet. And that’s only because of father José Rafael Peña Gholam of his salary in Bitcoin has to pay off. In an article on Longlash Gholam tells of his experience:

life in Venezuela has pushed me to find ways to protect myself. One Option is to Bitcoin […]. In the last two years, I have received my entire salary in Bitcoin. I am aware of the volatility of Bitcoin is fully aware of this, but it still feels much safer than the Hyper-inflationary Venezuelan Bolivar (VES). To give you an idea: In January 2019, a cafe con leche at a cost of 450 VES. In September of the same coffee costs, according to a Bloomberg Index of 14,000 VES.

Many services and products to buyers in Venezuela can pay with the U.S. Dollar. Nevertheless, let Gholam his salary in Bitcoin cash out. At an average wage of 16 dollars per month, the Bitcoin is not a bad Alternative:

I could have put my savings in US dollars, not in Bitcoin, but in recent years Bitcoin has also brought significant returns.

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The risks of the currencies, the Crypto will bring, may be less important than the Chance of returns. Also Gholem has experienced the risks of the volatile Bitcoin brings, with the birth of his son:

The sale of Bitcoin for large payments is, of course, associated with risks. I know this because in the week my son was born, the Bitcoin exchange rate of US $ 10,000 has fallen to 8,200 dollars.

In the end, was able to pay the Gholem, the cost of labour through the sale of Bitcoins. This shows how the virtual coins in countries with economic problems can be a real rescue.


payment method for crypto-currencies is to be introduced, according to Maduro soon in Venezuela Venezuela: Uses of the Central Bank, Bitcoin & Ether? Venezuela: pharmacy chain accepts Dash#Inflation#Petro#Venezuela