Who wants to get into the Bitcoin business, do well to inform themselves. This is even more so, if he wants to make million-dollar Investments. Otherwise, unpleasant consequences. A new case of fraud from the United States illustrates what happens in the worst case.

By Anton Livshits
On 29. July 2019BTC$9.566,00 0.59%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

A potential Bitcoin scammer is gone, the US authorities into the network. The New York Prosecutor’s office and the FBI accuse John Barry Thompson, to have through targeted misinformation seven million U.S. dollars captured. Thompson took advantage of his supposed escrow company Volantis-Escrow-platform and Volantis Market Marking. He lured his victims with the promise of low-risk Bitcoin transactions. Such as the associated press report shows, the authorities arrested him on may 25. July in Easton, Pennsylvania.

Geoffrey S. Berman, the competent district attorney, described the case as follows:

Jon Thompson brought investors to participate on his company Volantis Market Making on crypto-currency TRANS-actions, by propagating a transaction structure, which excludes any risk of loss during the purchase. His customers realized soon, however, were Thompson’s representations false, and this crypto-currency investors eventually lost all the money they had entrusted to him because of his lies.

Berman illustrated in his Statement that his office had taken on the task, against any type of fraud. Here, it is irrelevant whether the fraud with Bitcoin, or with traditional Assets is carried out.

Thompson took advantage of a lack of Bitcoin knowledge of the victim

According to the competent FBI agent William F. Sweeney, Jr., should Thomson have made the ignorance of his victims in Bitcoin-questions-to-Use. Therefore, he used terminology not understood his victims. Furthermore, Thompson was assumed that the Bruised of him, not according to the Status of your investment would inquire.

Specifically, we want to have claims Thompson, that crypto transactions carry on his business there is no risk, because he kept pages, the Assets of both Transaction. In June and July 2018, two different companies gave him, therefore, funds in the total amount of 7 million US dollars. Both companies were assured that the Bitcoin were already in Thompson’s possession. Instead, they saw neither the funds, nor will they received the Bitcoin. Thompson lied to you about the whereabouts of the Assets. He must answer now, due to the material and wire fraud in two cases.

The case highlights not least of which is the need of thorough expertise. For all the Bitcoin investors in the spe reference is made at this point in our Tutorials.

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