to bring

people in order to your Savings, you can con a lot of things come to mind. A recent case from the UK is hard to beat in creativity, however, can hardly be. Because in addition to allusions to the political events and Patriotic appeals, to have played the Bitcoin scammers here are also a Royal card. Whether the attempted Scam was successful, however, on a different sheet.

By Anton Livshits
At the 2. October 2019BTC$8.242,13 -1.14%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

we need The Queen of your Bitcoin! With this prompt, type crypto-scammers have been trying recently to bring simple-minded Britons to their accumulated crypto reserves. In order to give the Whole thing a Royal coat of paint, sent you your Phishing Text in an old-fashioned letter form. Paul Ridden, CEO of a UK Tech company, has made the letter on his LinkedIn page public.

The Scam letter itself is on the 16. September, dated. As the sender of the or fraudsters Edward Young stated that in his capacity of private Secretary to her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II to The letter, it is the soon imminent No-Deal-Brexit, the power of the handle to the Bitcoin Wallets of the citizens. In addition, it is already the second Time within 30 years that the Queen is directed to a „certain number of people“ in order to preserve the Kingdom from the impending doom. Also this Time the situation was serious, because it is about nothing less than the salvation of the British economy:

in Order to save the British economy after Brexit, and to receive, we must the European Union 19 billion pounds. We have currently more than 82 percent of the money on Hand, and we need the Rest is up to 19. October 2019.

Bitcoin scammers continue to ask for confidentiality

due To this difficult situation, asks the Queen, the letter, a modest loan of between half a Million and two million pounds. In addition to the special honor to be able to the Nation in a serious hour, the promise of the scammers also have a rich interest rate of 30 percent. The amount could easily be set up to the specified Bitcoin address of the king’s house will be transferred to. For Extra comfort, the Scammer added even a QR Code.

furthermore, ask the scammer in bold font with a minimum of discretion, finally, that it was not in the interest of the crown, when this Letter went viral. Ridden himself was in the Rest of the left in the face of the letter. He did not think anyone was taken in by the fraud. Compared to the British Tech-news portal AWARDS dam Ridden values so well, especially about the bad English of the letter.


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