The price of Bitcoin went down in the last two days belonging to the dive. The largest crypto-currency lost by market capitalisation within a short period of time, nearly 1,000 US-dollars of valuation. The question is: buy or run?

By Phillip Horch
26. September 2019BTC$8.207,09 -2.83%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

the Bitcoin price falls within a short period of time in the double-digit percentage range, is for established crypto-Fans are hardly anything Special. Finally, the crypto-currency is feared, especially for their volatility. That of Course is changing rapidly, in the past was often on the agenda. Nevertheless, it is such a strong Dip for a lot of reason for concern: To repel his BTC before it is too late and the Bitcoin price continues to fall? Or it is a good opportunity to buy? Basically, it applies here to decide on a strategy and to stick to them.

the Cost Average – In the long run to be on the safe side

A popular method to benefit long-term from the Bitcoin price, is the Cost-Averaging method. Generous the Bitcoin-pension provision or savings account translated. The principle is simple and thus requires no greater effort. You invest a regular time (daily, weekly, monthly) a certain amount of money and use it to collect Satoshis. Strong or outbreaks of the Bitcoin rate will be ironed out in the long term. Advantage and a challenge: Can you calm, makes you look in the best case, immune to FUD (Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt; fear, uncertainty and doubt) or FOMO (Fear of Missing Out; the fear to miss something). In the end, both a bad counselor, and lead to hasty reactions – the own wallet suffers in the long run. On request, this is also confirmed by Dr. Julian Hosp:

In my Video at the very beginning of the year 2019 (crystal ball 3000) I emphasized again and again that this year will be very similar to 2016, but on a 10-fold level. We will have a stronger end than the beginning, but on the way there it will be up and down to go. My prognosis was approximately 8,000 USD for BTC at the end of the year (out of about 3,000 US dollars at the beginning). The wave movements are now completely normal. So if you’ve invested heavily in BTC, do the best to keep just keep. Who wants to buy should take advantage of the weakness to to buy. In any case, then sell, if the price has just fallen sharply, and in no case to buy, if the price is time increased significantly. Because it falls in every Time on his emotions. Never the big picture forget: We’re almost 200 per cent in the Plus this year!

Daily Trading – The Bitcoin exchange rate with an unerring eye

another way to profit from the Bitcoin exchange rate is Trading. This one keeps the pages in the Course right in the eye, sets certain goals and (ver-)buys a certain point in time. Here, too, the Above applies: not FUD and FOMO victim to pay. It is important to familiarize yourself with the basics of technical chart analysis and self-imposed Limits also comply with.

Futures: bets on the Bitcoin price

there is A possibility of a falling Bitcoin price gains to retract, is shorten Bitcoin to. The works about the notorious and futures contracts, as Recently by the company Bakkt. This includes contracts and have agreed to buy on a certain date and a certain Bitcoin price, or to sell. You bet, ultimately, currencies on the price of Crypto is a risk of variant-rich.

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The motto of the anti-cyclical Investment is:

Buy when the cannons are thundering and sell when the violins play.

This means that Sails the price of Bitcoin rapidly to the bottom, it’s time to buy the „Dip“. The exchange Rate of the Cryptocurrency is so rapid that we can ignore the bull smell in the market hardly more, it is time to turn up their noses and to realize his profits. The latter is recommended anyway, to do on a regular basis – all the „Hodl!“-Call in Spite of.

Disclaimer: The foregoing represent only the opinion of the analysts, and are not Investment recommendations. Everyone needs to keep the Bitcoin price, even in the view – Do your own research.


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