the WCX, a new trading platform from Switzerland, offers to the trade a variety of securities in exchange for Bitcoin. Investors will be able to handle since October of this year, the classic exchange transactions with Bitcoin.

13. December 2018ShareFacebookTwitterLinkedInxingemail

Bitcoins integrative potential can not be underestimated. From „Banking the unbanked“ apart, the crypto-currency, no. 1, also for more accessible financial markets. Because crypto-currencies are likely to inspire the laity for the Asset-trade has proved the bull market from last year is impressive. The Swiss company WCX could now ensure that Bitcoin also makes the classic securities trading to a wider public.

Finally, can trade investors WCX over 100 different Assets shares, foreign exchange to commodities and precious metals. The special feature: Instead of the letter rate in Fiat currencies such as Euro or US-dollars to spend, is the Star of the platform Bitcoin. Because all of the profits, losses, rates and reviews WCX in BTC. The minimum volume according to the Website of 0.001 BTC.

the founder of Amatsu Soyonobu has given up for the development of the platform his Job at Apple and sent it, bitcoin adaptation through the development of further Use Cases.

„do you Consider us as a stock broker, except that you Deposit instead of Fiat Bitcoin“,

said Soyonobu to Coinspeaker.

The concept of the investors. Since the Launch in October 2018 WCX was able to welcome over 125,000 investors from 189 countries.

competitive advantage Bitcoin

the stock market relies on Bitcoin, not, however, only ideological backgrounds. Because the use of BTC instead of US dollars, the exchange could make deposits, withdrawals and Trades at zero cost to offer, and so the usual fees to avoid. A clear competitive advantage over traditional trading venues.

„We can offer Zero fees for deposits, withdrawals and Trades, because we have said no to Fiat. We consider Bitcoin as our competitive advantage.“

access to The securities market are private investors, often denied, often there is a complicated on-boarding processes need to be completed. Innovative concepts such as the WCX could ensure a more inclusive financial market.

That founder find now that the use of BTC is only from a marketing perspective makes sense, but also economic benefits, is a good sign for the Ecosystem.