As of the annual electricity consumption has risen by seven percent, says the Iranian electricity Agency, the Bitcoin Mining illegal. One of the main opportunities for Bitcoin-procurement is a punishable offense.

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one example is revealed Bitcoins value proposition so striking as on the basis of Iran. The Inflation has a firm grip on the country and economic sanctions cut off banks from global financial flows. It’s not that Bitcoin is playing for the Iranian population, a larger and larger role. The demand for the digital Gold is continuously growing and because of the Exchanges of the leadership of the country is a thorn in the eye, are Iranians more and more frequently on the stand-alone Mining the Coins.

However, this procurement action is under pressure. Because, as Iran Front Page reported the find to the authorities for some time, specifically according to the Iranians, the subsidized electricity for from your point of view is not relevant mining use. This, according to a spokesman for the state electricity company, Tavanir, was illegal.

Iran, electricity consumption by seven per cent <p The increasingly repressive hand of Bitcoin Mining in connection with an increase of the annual electricity consumption of seven per cent. As Tavanir reported, applies to Mining as the main cause of this increase.

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electricity is subsidised in the Islamic Republic. The leadership of the country spends close to a billion US dollars for the closure of the price gap between actual electricity costs and the willingness-to-pay of the population. This should then be also the reason why the Mining of Bitcoin in Iran is at all profitable.

More Bitcoin source dried up

Thus, it will be enthusiasts for Iranian Bitcoin is becoming increasingly difficult to come to the digital Gold. Since Exchanges are strictly regulated, have resorted in the past, more and more Iranians on the Mining. But also the OTC business with the crypto-currency no 1 is booming in the Persian Gulf. As we already reported, play Trading groups in the country a larger and larger role. In Telegram groups of buyers and sellers meet, therefore, to an off-exchange trade with Bitcoin. This hand is likely to win, according to the latest announcement, the importance of a right, and if the rates will continue to rise so strongly, as was recently the case.

SWIFT replacement as a Use Case

In the process, BTCs was not in Iran’s Packed with potential yet to be used. Finally, could a decentralized, censorship-resistant, world currency, economic sanctions, such as exclusion from the international payment traffic with ease handle. It is probably only a matter of time before the Iranian financial sector will be on these Bitcoin Use Case to the attention of.

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