The Bitcoin Mining Difficulty high reached a new all-time high. Conversely, this means that the Bitcoin network is as secure as ever – despite a 43-percent rate of residue at All Time High.

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A Bitcoin costs to the hour of approximately 8.550 to the U.S. Dollar. This is a 43 percent lower than during the BTC all-time highs in December 2017. And yet, the Mining Difficulty, the relative difficulty to calculate a valid Hash for a new Block of high reached a new all-time high. How do they fit together?

What is the Mining Difficulty is

is the editorial deadline for the Difficulty about 7.459.680.720.543 according to data from This value exceeds the past record of difficulty in October 2018 slightly. We are these days, consequently, witnessing a new Difficulty-all-time highs.

development of the Bitcoin Mining Difficulty since the launch of the Genesis block. Data source:

The Mining Difficulty is, ultimately, a measure of the relative difficulty of finding a valid Hash just below the so-called Target Value in the Proof-of-Work algorithm. The lower the Target is, the more difficult it is to find a valid SHA-256 Hash for the current Block Header.

The Difficulty Adjustment is at the core of bitcoin algorithmic monetary policy. Because, as most know already, is to get every ten minutes a Block to the network and with the Block (current) to 12.5 freshly mined BTC. The more computing power to the network flows, the faster Bitcoin mines, so one would think. But all 2.016 blocks (approximately every two weeks) is the so-called Difficulty Retargeting. All of your Miner compare the actual number geminter blocks with the target. The actual time of exactly 20.160 minutes (2016*10 minutes) is below for 2016 blocks, the Difficulty is too high to assess. In the result, all the Miner to adjust the value for the Difficulty, so that on average a Block per ten minutes on the net.

you can call that in the medium term, there is no Miner in the world, worth more BTC to generate from the algorithm provided. This is the core of bitcoin monetary inflation policy.

Bullish tones from the Depths of the Bitcoin network

The new all-time high is an indication of increased Mining activity. Finally, miners compete to Compute valid hashes; the more Miner part of the network, the higher the Hash Rate and the higher the medium-term Difficulty are.

The increased Mining activity is expected with the forthcoming Reward Halving in may 2020 in a context. Because starting in may of next year, the Coinbase Reward, so the largest part of the remuneration of the Miner for the security of the Bitcoin network is cut in half to 6.25 BTC.

It appears logical that Bitcoin Miner their strategy on this halving align, and in the run-up to try to accumulate as many BTC. Furthermore, the Bitcoin price rose in the past, in the course of the Halvings; it is assumed that the Miner withheld a portion of their BTC, and only at higher rates in the aftermath of the Reward-halving to the market.

if you want to learn more about the connection between course development and Reward Halving, the follow this Link.

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