Bitcoin maximalism is the doctrine of the „one true crypto-currency“. Often as ignorant decried, are the maxima lists for their Conviction, that, if at all, BTC has a Chance to establish itself as a currency alternative to the inflationary Fiat money system. What is the theses of Jimmy Song, Pierre Rochard, Michael Goldstein, Saifedean Ammous & co.?

On the 25. July 2019BTC$9.992,00 1.11%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

Based Bitcoin maximalism in fact, on a intolerant Negation of the value proposition of all Altcoins, or is the attitude of a result of carefully chosen trade-offs? We take a look at the Bitcoin phenomenon-maxima lists and roles, the value of the crypto-currency no 1 of promise.

Absolute reasoning pattern as the Bitcoin Maximalists encounter science, in theory, be some hurdles. Accepted a single Coin or a single Blockchain-the project has long-term holdings, this would throw the lists of house of cards, the Maxima together. Because Bitcoin Maximalists are trying to prove that only Bitcoin is a useful – and, above all, the functioning of the use of the Blockchain technology. You are doing so, the philosophical attempt to prove a Non-existence. The argumentation theory allows this. It opens with the so-called „Proof a Negative“ counter examples, nevertheless the door. In other words: The burden of proof that Bitcoin is, in fact, the only meaningful use of the Blockchain technology, and 100% of all Altcoins are crap, is the maxima lists. A counter-example is sufficient, and the patterns of Argument is obsolete.

so How are the chances that the maximalist side of right stand for? Let’s take a look under the hood: What you can do with Bitcoin and what is not.

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