the The Lightning Torch reached their capacity limits. Still about eight times the Lightning-torch can change the owner, or the owner, then the conclusion is. In spite of the arrival of the end of state is: The Experiment was successful.

9. April 2019BTC$5.221,09 0.31%Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

Since about two and a half months, the so-called Lightning Torch in the Bitcoin Community in the round. The idea is to have a kind of A Satoshi-chain letter that is passed on from Bitcoin-friend-to-Bitcoin-friend, each with around 10,000 Satoshis (about $ 0.45).

launched Twitter Users Hodlonaut on 19. January of this year.

capacity limit reached

The Lightning Network is still in its infancy; the technology has only been around for about a year. Although the Second-Layer network is growing at the Bitcoin exponential. The capacity, however, depends on the mass of the Users. And is still low.

So, it is to explain that the Lightning Torch slowly, but burns to the ground. Because, in the meantime, the participants move per transfer of about 4.22 million Satoshis for about 170 US dollars.

in the current Lightning-Limit of 4,29 million Satoshi’s almost.