With today’s 6. September opened Bitcoin-Futures-provider Bakkt the start of his Warehouse. Starting immediately, customers can begin to Deposit your BTC. The same time, there is greater Coinbewegungen and the price of Bitcoin reacts.

By Phillip Horch
6. September 2019BTC$10.838,32 , 3.44%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

The price of Bitcoin recorded a gentle increase in the last 24 hours. So the Price for BTC is increased within a day by just 1.3 percent. Currently, he is 10.710 US Dollar.

The positive Bitcoin exchange rate history coincides with the Start of the Warehouse of Bakkt. This serves as a repository for the crypto-currency – clients can store their BTC in Bakkt.

Because Bakkt begins later this month, on 23. September, so, BTC Futures to offer. Traded the futures contracts for the largest Cryptocurrency according to market capitalization in the future, at the inter-continential Futures (ICE). The Bitcoin Futures from home Bakkt to settle, however, from previous Offerings. Accordingly, they are secured physically; they are based on actually deposited units of the crypto-currency. This is now clearly noticeable.

Wal-Alarm: 94.504 Bitcoin in motion

As of the Blockchain analysis service Whale reported Alert, are currently large amounts of BTC on the move. Accordingly, moving yesterday, on the 5. In September, a single address a total of 94.504 BTC: