the Bitcoin ETF: According to a document, the first on 11. February is the admission of an exchange-traded Fund for Bitcoin only a matter of time. At least when it comes to SEC staff Robert J. Jackson, Jr. .

By Phillip Horch
On 7. February 2019BTC$3.408,56 , and 0.26%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

The admission of an exchange-traded Fund for Bitcoin (BTC ETF) is regarded as an important Signal for the crypto-community. Approval, it is hoped, would bring a rush to the crypto-currency and thus an increase of the Bitcoin price. As according to a leaked document reveals now, apparently, is a registration only a matter of time.

the statements by Robert J. Jackson, Jr. put ETF-approval close

Because the Online magazine, Abacus, a Journal is a document that SEC-member Robert J. Jackson, Jr. suggests that it might not be long until a request with the SEC. So Jackson, in an Interview with Congressional Quarterly, the originally on 11. February should be released, said:

Whether or not someone will eventually meet the conditions we have established for a Bitcoin ETF]? I hope it is, and Yes, I think it is also.

Also holds the US President Donald Trump, who was appointed to the SEC-a member of the denial of the Winklevoss ETF in the past is understandable. The document:

In the case of the Winklevoss application, the one we had last year in front of us, quoted by the [decision] was not particularly. There we had a Situation in which the danger of the Manipulation and the harm to investors was enormous. The liquidity problems of the market were seriously.

specifies How the document also near, previous rejections of the ETF to the suitability of the crypto-currency. Rather, it was the lack of safety precautions, any stock exchanges, the beneficiaries of the rejections in the past.

Read also: Bitcoin, grow up! The situation on Wednesday

the document behind the question mark

Whether it will actually come to a marketing authorisation, can you clarify currently satisfactory. After all, it is merely the opinion of an individual SEC member. Furthermore, has not yet been identified, whether the document is a genuine or only a counterfeit. Also, the reliability of the source could not be verified satisfactorily.

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